Singing of the National Anthem as protesters prepare for more speakers here outside the Hyatt #Arizona #Phoenix #Election2020 pic.twitter.com/g3WbcObjHV
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) November 30, 2020
PHOENIX: Hundreds of Trump Supporters recite “The Pledge of Allegiance” outside of The Hyatt Regency where Trump’s legal team holds a hearing to present evidence of election fraud in the state of AZ pic.twitter.com/JyGnxJL5yU
— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) November 30, 2020
The group marches back to the Hyatt Regency after a brief protest across from a local news station #Arizona #Phoenix #Election2020 pic.twitter.com/ifXO4nFWlp
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) November 30, 2020
“We want Trump!” chants outside the Hyatt Regency in downtown Phoenix this morning #Arizona #Phoenix #Election2020 pic.twitter.com/nTI5UxeRLJ
— Brendan Gutenschwager (@BGOnTheScene) November 30, 2020
PHOENIX: Hundreds of Trump Supporters recite “The Pledge of Allegiance” outside of The Hyatt Regency where Trump’s legal team holds a hearing to present evidence of election fraud in the state of AZ pic.twitter.com/JyGnxJL5yU
— Drew Hernandez (@livesmattershow) November 30, 2020