LIVE SHOW: Restaurant Under Fire for Punishing Bad Parents

A Georgia restaurant is under fire for charging parents of unruly children an additional fee. I think it’s a brilliant idea! What say you?

Pre-Order Todd’s New Book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming:  Can America Be Saved?”

Our toll-free number is 844.747.8868. Click here to follow Todd’s Rumble channel for breaking news videos.

Join Todd and Gov. Mike Huckabee at the Mid-America Passion Play Gala on Nov. 14. It’s a night of great food and conversation at the Fed Ex Events Center at Shelby Farms.

Todd’s Guests:

1:05 ET Marissa Fallon, Director of Advocacy for Parents Defending Education

2:05 ET Timothy Head, Faith & Family Coalition Executive Director

“Israel Needs Moral Clarity. Will America Provide It?”

2:20 ET Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT) District 4

2:35 ET Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS)


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