There is great fury at the University of Tennessee at Martin over an art display that blasphemed the Christian faith. One painting depicted Jesus Christ as being transgender. Another featured a man dressed in clerical robes cutting up a lamb.

One outraged resident called it “an utter embarrassment for a State of Tennessee public institution.”

“Disappointed and embarrassed that the University I call home would let something like this be displayed for the public eye to see,” an alumnus wrote. “Poor representation of our community and our love for Christ. You can be whatever you want to be. But leave Jesus out of it.”

The offensive image was part of a student art show that was displayed in the Boling University Center. The displays were titled “Transgender Jesus” & “Their God Tells Me Love is Self Hatred.”

“The piece is about the divisive use of trans people in politics as a scapegoat of someone to blame,” read a description that was attached to the art work.

Many are wondering why faculty members would allow such blasphemy to be publicly displayed in such a prominent campus gathering place.

“I am ashamed and embarrassed that this is how we allow our students to ‘express themselves,'” one alumni wrote on Facebook. “How is this display allowed to stand especially since most if not all public displays in the UC go through a screening process. How is this display any different than a student depicting themselves as a KKK member, a Nazi, a Pedophile, etc.”

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A university spokesman tells me the matter was immediately addressed once the Chancellor was alerted about the controversy.

“The student art exhibit in question was removed today (Sunday) by the organizing committee,” the spokesman told me. “The exhibit was created as part of a student art contest. The university continues to gather information.”

Hundreds of furious Tennesseans called for an investigation into matter.

“Just a simple slap in the face to Christian beliefs,” said one angry citizen. “Wonder if our Legislators are aware of this disgraceful representation of art! If someone wanted it in a private art museum have at it but not for a State University.”

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