Schools in Vermont District Ordered to Fly Black Lives Matter Flags

OPINION: The Mill River Unified Union School District in Vermont has directed every principal to hoist “Black Lives Matter” and LGBT Pride flags on district campuses.

“That flag pole should have the U.S. flag and the Vermont state flag on it, period,” said Art Peterson, a Republican running for the statehouse.

“I’m disappointed that one person can come in, make a request of this nature and the board automatically decides to do it,” he told the Rutland Herald. “Those flags both have a political meaning and those things have meaning to people. When you introduce politics into the schools, these symbols, where does it stop?”

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The school district made the decision after a single student – one student – requested that the flags be included.

Supt. Dave Younce told television station WCAX the school board was correct in allowing the flags on school grounds. He says it is possible to separate the politics of the flags and the people they represent.

“I believe at Mill River our job is to support people and to make our students belong there and anything that can do that in a visible, tangible way is better than has done in the past and we all want to do better than we have in the past, so that’s the way I see it,” Younce said.

The first step is to raise the flag. The next stop will be to pledge allegiance to the flag. In that spirit, I’ve offered a potential pledge to Marxism that the students might be able to recite:

The Black Lives Matter Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of Black Lives Matter

and to the Marxists for which it stands.

One nation. Under man. Divisible. 

With liberty and justice for some. 

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