
Memphis Flower Shop Refuses to Do Business With Trump Supporters

Everbloom Design, a Memphis flower shop, announced they will no longer do business with any Trump supporters, KWAM News Radio reported. Watch the owner’s solemn announcement below and click here to follow my YouTube Channel.

“I won’t do business with people who support the president-elect and it is because I need to create a safe space for me, my staff and my family,” owner Kristin Wolter declared last week in a social media post.

Wolter apparently received some backlash from stunned customers, so she posted on Instagram a series of explanations for her decision to ban Trump supporters.

I do admit that I was reacting out of anger and betrayal,” she wrote. “I could not believe my community chose financial concerns and economy over human rights and decency.”

Wolter said that she had “reflected on the fact that it is unjust to deny anyone service based on their religion, sexual orientation, gender or race.”

However, she doubled down and said under no circumstances would the America First crowd be allowed to enter her shop.

“I do believe that I have the right to not work on events that misrepresent my brand and values,” she said.

Wolter then fired off a manifesto of her ideology.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: Says you need to read my new book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming.” Click here to read.

“We advocate for BiPOC, LGBTQ and transgender rights,” she declared. “We believe women should have the autonomy to govern their own bodies” and “we prioritize people over profit.”

The narrow-minded bigot said she financial supports Planned Parenthood, Out Memphis, the ACLU and NPR.

All that to say, Republicans and Conservatives in Memphis will need to find another place to purchase pansies. The good news is there are plenty of flower shops that do not discriminate based on political orientation.

Would you do business in a store that hates Trump supporters?

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