LGBT Activist: There’s Nothing Wrong with 9-year-old Drag Queen Dancing in Club

EDITOR’S NOTE: Leftists are waging a cultural jihad across America. They are trying to erase our history and fundamentally transform our nation. I write about their quest in my new book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation. Click here to get pre-order!

Lawmakers in Ohio are considering a piece of legislation that would ban children from performing in drag at Buckeye State bars.

Republican Tim Schaffer introduced the bill after stories surfaced about a 9-year-old boy who performed a sexually explicit dance routine at a bar while patrons gave the child money.

I write about these kinds of issues in my new book, “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.” Click here to pre-order a copy. 

Here’s how the Toledo Blade described the incident: “Critics of a video shared online objected to the boy’s costume, which included a leotard and wig, dance moves characterized as sexual in nature, and that the boy can be seen accepting money from bar patrons during the performance.”

Schaffer said the performance was akin to sexual exploitation. The bill also has support from some Democrats.

The proposed legislation would expand the definition of child endangering to include “a performance that suggests a minor is participating in, or simulating, sexual activity that ‘taken as a whole by the average person applying contemporary standards, appeals to the prurient interest.’

But the child’s mother is furious – she says there’s nothing wrong with her son dressing in drag. And there’s nothing sexual about his performance.

Jake “is just a guy who likes to dress up and dance and feel pretty,” she told the Toledo Blade. “It’s kind of like Halloween every time he has the opportunity to do it.”

I’ve posted video of the performance above so you can judge for yourself.

“He’s in an unusual situation in that he’s surrounded by people who are supportive. Ninety-five percent of our friends are in the LGBTQ community and are drag queens, and are in some type of theater performance,” the mother told the newspaper.

LGBT activists in Toledo agree with the mom — and say the boy’s performance was blown out of proportion. They said there is nothing inappropriate about a 9-year-old dressing in drag and dancing in a club.

“I think on its face [the bill] sounds good, but the intent and where the proposal came from was done in bad faith,” Harvey House board president Kristen Angelo told the newspaper. “There is nothing wrong with what [he] is doing. Nothing sexual, nothing inappropriate.”

Just let that sink in for a minute, moms and dads. There’s nothing inappropriate about a 9-year-old performing at a bar? Apparently, Ohio needs legislation to dictate what should be basic common sense — and decency.

READ MORE: Boy’s Drag Performance in Ohio Bar Prompts Lawmakers Action

Toledo Blade: Tim Schaffer Proposes House Bill 180 Banning Sexually Suggestive Performances Republican Proposes Ohio Child Exploitation Law After 9-Year-Old Performs in Drag

Toledo Blade: Who is Miss Mae Hem?

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