
Girls Scout Troops Ordered to Undergo ‘White Supremacy’ Cleansing

Americans will be tossing their cookies once they learn about a nefarious plan by the Girl Scouts to indoctrinate troops with radical Marxist ideas about race.

Patti Garibay, the founder of American Heritage Girls, exposed the plans during an interview on the Todd Starnes Show on Newsmax.

She said the Girl Scouts are introducing a four-part, racial equity training series that will include lessons on internalized racism and white supremacy culture.

“This is all part of the degradation of the USA,” she told Starnes. “And it makes one wonder should they (the Girl Scouts be renamed? Should their congressional charter be pulled? Why are they so anti-American? I just don’t understand.”

American Heritage Girls is a faith-based alternative to the Girl Scouts. The organization has exploded in growth with more than 60,000 members.

Patriot Signal reports the new training will embrace elements of Critical Race Theory.

The Girl Scouts most recently introduced a LGBTQ Pride Month Fun Patch and Lord only knows what the kids had to do to get that commendation.

“They want to make sure that the girls really understand the full breadth and depth of the LGBTQ community and its heroes, including Harvey Milk and the Stonewall and all those that they can hold up and emulate and hope to be one day. This is a sad thing,” Garibay told Starnes.

Following is a rush transcript of Todd’s interview with Patti. Listen to the podcast at the top of the page or watch Todd’s Newsmax television interview with Patti at the bottom of the page.

TODD: [01:36:17] I want to start our conversation with this crazy report from patriots signal that the Girl Scouts are going full blown woke and they have introduced a radical Marxist training program for kids. What’s going on, Patty?

PATTI: [01:36:40] This is insane. I thought their LGBTQ Pride Patch was bad enough and hit their camp, gender code and all the rest. But now they’re indoctrinating the volunteers to make sure they understand that there is systemic racism and that we need to share this with the kids. Strategies for applying an intersectional racial equity lens and naming and de-centering white dominant culture. This is the kind of stuff that’s going to be in the Girl Scouts now.

TODD: [01:37:10] Well, let’s talk about some of these things that they’re trying to do. I understand they’re kicking it off next month. And as a virtual lesson called Foundations in Racial Equity. What are they trying to teach the girls here?

PATTI: [01:37:26] Well, I think really, you know, they have been really an indoctrination tool for the Marxist agenda for a long time, since the 70’s that I know of, that I’ve experienced that I believe that this is all part of their bigger picture. They’re allowing of transsexuals to be part of the taking out of Judeo-Christian values, the embracing of third world countries and cultures, and saying that they are above and better than American exceptionalism. So this is all part of the degradation of the USA. And it makes one wonder should they be renamed? Should their congressional charter be pulled? Why are they so anti-American? I just don’t understand.

TODD: [01:38:07] It’s a great question. I want to go back to something you said. There’s an LGBT pride month fun patch. I’m not sure I want to know what you have to do to get a fun patch like that.

PATTI: [01:38:19] Well, I’ll tell you, there’s eight pages of definitions that you might want to study before you earn that badge. But they want to make sure that the girls really understand the full breadth and depth of the LGBTQ community and its heroes, including Harvey Milk and Stonewall and all those that they can hold up and emulate and hope to be one day. This is a sad thing. I am not celebrating the Girl Scouts USA doing one more trek towards a pretty bad ending and it’s very scary. They’re going down that hill very quickly.

TODD: [01:38:48] Patty, what I understand this is not just for the girls. My understanding this impacts everybody who wants to go to camp.

PATTI: [01:38:57] Well, this is everybody that wants to be part of the volunteer movement and Girl Scouts. So that’s even if you want to be a volunteer, you know, in a troop, a local troop. This is all part of a diversity, equity and inclusion movement. And this was funded by Mackenzie Scott, who is Jeff Bezos ex-wife. She gave $85 million to the Girl Scouts, their largest single donation in their history. And it was all earmarked for DEI education. So this is not surprising that you’ve got to inculcate the volunteers so they can inculcate the kids.

TODD: [01:39:33] It’s simply insanity. And the good news here is that parents who are horrified by this and many, I suspect, have already pulled their daughters out of out of the Girl Scouts. But there is a great alternative, which is American heritage girls. And I want you to tell our listeners and we have a lot of viewers watching us on Newsmax right now what what what sets American Heritage Girls apart from the Girl Scouts?

PATTI: [01:39:59] Well, first and foremost, we are Christ centered and therefore aligned with a Christian family’s values. And we are not going to question them or denigrate them or undermine them. And we were started for the very reason that the Girl Scouts had started going woke in 1993 when they no longer mandated an oath to God for a Girl Scout program, which is, of course, great concern when you’re developing character young girls. And if it’s not based on biblical principles and what will it be based on? And I guess we’re seeing this in today’s society, but American Heritage Girls does all the fun things that Girl Scouts are known for, such as earning badges and having a lot of fun making friends, going in the out-of-doors, learning leadership. But we don’t do it at the expense of selling cookies and girls backs nor being culturally, culturally relevant. We believe in the timeless truth of the Bible and we surround all of our curricula around that. And so it’s really pretty cool with Todd because it’s it’s kind of Holy Spirit power behind it, which means it’s very infused in what is really what America was started around. And so this is a beautiful, I think, glorification for the Lord. And also it helps girls to know who they are and who’s they are. And there is right and wrong in this world. And there are ways to find joy. And that’s through understanding who he is.

TODD: [01:41:21] I think this is terrific. And I have to imagine moms and dads have to be overjoyed by the fact they don’t have to sell cookies. The cookies were okay. But you know what? They they go down a little bit better with all of this Marxism they’re trying to shove down our throats.

PATTI: [01:41:39] Yeah, it’s hard to to really resource and help help that situation. And the Girl Scouts do get so much more money out of that box of cookies than the girls do. You know what I do, Todd? I give the girls a buck. I say, use this for your troop. Do not buy cookies with it, please. But this you know, I think at the troop level that the leaders and kids by and far trying to do the right thing, they don’t understand how deep and really depraved their organization is that they represent. And I do hope that there’s some awareness and maybe your listeners will be part of that awareness to let the leaders of that Girl Scout troops on those cookies that there is a better alternative, and that is the American heritage Girls.

TODD: [01:42:20] I love this. And how many girls are now a members of of your group?

PATTI: [01:42:24] We have over 60,000 members in all 50 states, 16 international countries. And this year, we grew by 30%. And we’re excited to see what the future brings.

[brid autoplay=”true” video=”1481598″ player=”24296″ title=”Girl Scouts Force Troops to Address White Supremacy ” duration=”493″ description=”The founder of American Heritage Girls calls out the Girls Scouts and a new policy that requires every person involved in scouting to undergo Marxist training on white supremacy. ” uploaddate=”2023-11-21″ thumbnailurl=”https://cdn.brid.tv/live/partners/18399/snapshot/1481598_th_655c15aa2daff_1700533674.jpg” image=”https://cdn.brid.tv/live/partners/18399/snapshot/1481598_sd_655c15aa2daff_1700533674.jpg” contenturl=”https://cdn.brid.tv/live/partners/18399/sd/1481598.mp4″ width=”16″ height=”9″]

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