Franklin Graham: “Pepsi Showing Girls That Sexual of Exploitation of Women is Okay”

Franklin Graham, the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse, was one of many religious leaders who condemned the Super Bowl’s halftime show.

The vulgar performance, featuring Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, included a stripper pole, simulated sexual activities and lots of crotch grabbing — lots. Click here for more on the debauchery.

“I don’t expect the world to act like the church, but our country has had a sense of moral decency on prime time television in order to protect children,” Graham wrote on a Facebook post. “We see that disappearing before our eyes.”

He rightly called out the NFL and Pepsi for sponsoring the halftime debauchery — which was celebrated by none other than Jeb Bush.

“This exhibition was Pepsi showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is okay,” Graham said. “With the exploitation of women on the rise worldwide, instead of lowering the standard, we as a society should be raising it. I’m disappointed in Pepsi and the NFL.”

It’s not that difficult to understand the message Pepsi and the NFL when they allowed the female performers to spread their legs on national television.

Shameful, indeed.

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