
Controversy Rages Over Best Barbecue Ratings

We’ve got a problem in Dixie, America.

The latest edition of Southern Living magazine is on the stands – once known as the gold standard in the genteel ways of those of us who live below the Mason-Dixon Line.  

Southern Living published its list of best barbecue joints in the South and my hometown was snubbed.

There was not a single Memphis barbecue establishment on the list. The Commissary. Central Barbecue, Rendevouz. The Cozy Corner.

It’s not worth mentioning who made Southern Living’s list because it’s bogus. How can you talk about barbecue without mentioning words like dry rub and bologna?

Maybe it’s just me, but over the past 10 years or so I’ve noticed Southern Living leaning left.

I knew something wasn’t right last year when the magazine posted a list of meatless casseroles.

I’d say there’s a good chance that Southern Living’s editorial pages have been infiltrated by Yankees.

Here me now, America. I’ve read Southern Living – and most people in the South are not living like that.

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