
British Gay Mafia Forces Chick-fil-A to Shut Down Restaurant

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The first Chick-fil-A in Great Britain will shut down six months after it opened after a massive protest by a militant group of sex and gender revolutionaries.

The Atlanta-based restaurant, one of the most popular in the nation, had opened a franchise in a mall about 90 minutes from London.

Reading Pride, an LGBTQ advocacy group, said it was “staunchly opposed to Chick-fil-A setting up shop in the UK and certainly in Reading.”

“The chain’s ethos and moral stance goes completely against our values, and that of the UK as we are a progressive country that has legalized same-sex marriage for some years, and continues to strive towards equality,” read a statement from the group.

As a result of their efforts an untold number of British workers will be heading to the unemployment line.

The Washington Post reports that the restaurant was overwhelmed by a tsunami of online hate from militant gays and their supporters.

“You may be closing down six months’ time, but we have a message for you,” one man said. “You will not be opening anywhere else in the U.K. And if we do see you on our soil, we will stand up and we will challenge you again.”

As I write in “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation,” there is a war against traditional values across the globe.

A small, but vicious, group of LGBT activists is hell-bent on forcing every human on the planet to bow down to their radical agenda. They even target conservative gays — anyone who dares to stand in their way. And they will even lie to get their way.

The latest controversy stems from a fake news report published by Think Progress that alleged Chick-fil-A donated money to anti-gay hate groups. Among the groups they referenced were the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

They also too offense because the family that owns Chick-fil-A believes in traditional marriage – one man, one woman.

It’s time for freedom-loving people, gay and straight, to condemn the militant gay mafia and put a stop to their radical agenda. Otherwise, we will all be forced to sacrifice our religious beliefs on the LGBT altar of political correctness.

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