WHISTLEBLOWER NURSE: Medical Staff Jabbed Kids With Wrong Vaccine

Thousands of people, including young children, could have been given the wrong vaccine at New York City injection sites, according to recordings provided to Project Veritas by a nurse whistleblower.

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Below is the full press release from Project Veritas:

[NEW YORK Jan. 26, 2022] Whistleblower recordings obtained by Project Veritas appear to show medical staff and supervisors admitting they used the wrong dilutant in giving the COVID-19 Vaccine to children, lower income, and homeless adults, and confirming the error “could cancel out [the protection of the vaccine] or have adverse effects.”  The company, DocGo and their subsidiary Ambulnz, failed to disclose the incidents.  It is also unclear if any affected patients were ever notified. 

The recordings, which come from a whistleblower employed through DocGo/Ambulnz, show nurses and other staff admitting they improperly mixed the COVID-19 Vaccine with bacteriostatic water instead of saline solution.  

Pfizer, the CDC, and the FDA give clear instructions about diluents saying bacteriostatic water is not to be used.

Audio and video recordings, however, show nurses admitting that the erroneous mixture “could cancel out [the protection of the vaccine] or have adverse effects.” It is unclear if patients, including parents of children who were vaccinated, were ever notified, despite company supervisors appearing to be aware of the problem. According to the nursing staff, no incident reports were filed. 

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The potential risk to children who received the botched mixture was so significant that a nurse with DocGo/Ambulnz said she felt compelled to reach out to Project Veritas. “These are little kids, these are babies,” said the whistleblower during an emotional interview with Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe. 

Guy Banks, a supervisor with DocGo/Ambulnz can be heard attempting to instruct staff on how to properly vaccinate patients over the phone. “Make sure it’s the right one, because some people got the wrong one,” Banks is heard saying, in reference to the diluents paired with COVID-19 vaccines.

The whistleblower’s recollection of the lack of training is astonishing. “On my first day there were no instructions about mixing the vaccine. I called the supervisor and asked, ‘how do I dilute this vaccine?’ He told me to ‘YouTube it.’ We were never given an in-service,” said the whistleblower. Proper in-service training is mandatory standard operating procedure in the medical field.

Project Veritas reached out to DocGo for comment spoke with President Anthony Capone who touted the training of DocGo medical staff and denied the possibility that patients received the wrong vaccine mixture. “We have no circumstances in company history when bacteriostatic water was used in diluting vaccine,” Capone said. He added that the footage could be describing “wrong stuff pulled from the shelves” but ultimately replaced before vaccines were administered. 

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