Trans Women Must Register for Draft, But Not Trans Men

There is at least one area of the military where conservatives who complain that the armed services have become too “woke” might want to know is still traditional: the draft.


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According to the Selective Service System website, most males residing in the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 must register for the draft. That includes “U.S. citizens or immigrants who are born male and have changed their gender to female.”

Not included, however, are “Individuals who are born female and have changed their gender to male.” (Women are not required to register for selective service, though the subject has been discussed by Democrats in the past.)

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The website American Military News noted, while the standard existed before President Joe Biden took office, his administration has made no effort to change the rule.

The White House has said, however, it supports adding women to the selective service rolls. The administration said in a statement Sept. 21, 2021: “The administration supports Section 513 and the registration requirement for all citizens, which further ensures a military selective system that is fair and just.”

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The transgender rule gained recent notice when the Selective Service’s official Twitter account posted last week: Parents, if your son is an only son and the last male in your family to carry the family name, he is still required to register with SSS. Learn more about who needs to register at”

Some Twitter users responded their sons would simply identify as female to avoid the draft.

“My son’s a girl now so we good,” said one user, while another said, “For the purpose of SSS my son will identify as a girl starting with his 18th birthday. Checkmate fascist.” Read more at Newsmax.

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