A Massachusetts 7th grader confronted school officials after being removed from class for wearing a shirt that said, “There are only two genders.”
Liam Morrison, who attends Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, told the district’s School Committee about the events that led him to be removed from class just weeks ago.
“I never thought that the shirt I wore to school on March 21 would lead me to speak with you today,” Morrison began. “On that Tuesday morning, I was taken out of gym class to sit down with two adults for what turned out to be a very uncomfortable talk. I was told that people were complaining about the words on my shirt, that my shirt was making some students feel unsafe.”
The student went on to explain that the school employees told him that he was not in trouble. However, Morrison said it felt like he was.
The staff members informed the student that he would have to change his shirt before returning to his class. When Morrison declined to do so, his father came and picked him up from school.
“What did my shirt say?” Morrison asked the committee before answering himself. “Five simple words – ‘There are only two genders.’ Nothing harmful, nothing threatening, just a statement I believe to be a fact.”
He went on to explain that the school staff members told him that his shirt was “targeting a protected class.”
“Who is this protected class?” Morrison asked. “Are their feelings more important than my rights?”
The student expressed the importance of being able to tolerate different opinions.
“I don’t complain when I see pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school,” Morrison continued. “Do you know why? Because others have a right to their beliefs just as I do.”
Despite being removed from class, Morrison remained confident that he had every right to wear the shirt to school.
“I know that I have a right to wear a shirt with those five words. Even at 12 years old, I have my own political opinions, and I have a right to express those opinions, even at school. This right is called the First Amendment to the Constitution.”
A 12-year-old in @MiddleboroughPS was allegedly sent home from school and told he’s making people feel unsafe for wearing a shirt that said “there are only 2 genders.”
— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) April 30, 2023
Watch him destroy the school board 🔥 pic.twitter.com/hCBO5wXIgh