Vandals at Michigan State University (MSU) marred the school’s Young America’s Foundation (YAF) chapter’s “Never Forget Project” display for the second year in a row.
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The display included a flag for each of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the tragic Sept. 11, 2001 plane attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and plane that was fought to the ground in rural Pennsylvania by patriotic passengers on board.
Additionally, the memorial featured a rock painted with an American flag, the number of people killed and the words “Never Forget.”
YAF assembles similar displays every year on college campuses across the country in remembrance of those who lost their lives.
The vandals painted over the rock with the words “461,000 Iraqi Civilians” and added four handprints in red blood paint.
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Further, when the YAF chapter members discovered the attack on their display, they noticed that all of the flags had been taken down.
It was later discovered that MSU groundskeepers threw away the flags, because they allegedly thought the memorial was abandoned.
The club members were discouraged by the vandalism, but it reminds them why the memorial is so important.
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“This is the second year in a row that our 9/11 memorial has been vandalized. As disheartening as it is, it also highlights why we do this every year. This demonstrates that there are still people out there who need to be reminded of this tragedy and the way it permanently affected our nation,” Jaryn Crouson, Chairwoman of MSU’s YAF chapter, said.
MSU did not respond to YAF’s questions about the universities policy for abandoned displays.
The chapter will be conducting its own investigation into the incident.