Schroeder: My Granddaughter’s Light Up Shoes Reminded Me of an Important Lesson

By Sylvia Schroeder

“Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105

When my granddaughter came to visit, she wore a ballerina’s tutu. The pink net surrounded her like a cloud. She ran inside and spun around. I laughed at the cuteness, but the irony of her light up sneakers didn’t escape me. Rather than dainty silk slippers, the clunky shoes danced with color as she hopped and twirled.

“Let’s see how those shoes shine in the dark,” I invited.

Her hand reached into mine and we walked out onto the back deck where evening shadows darkened the area. She jumped and landed with a thud. She threw out her arms and bowed. The little cloud around her shook, pink and red colors followed each move, lighting up her feet. My granddaughter bent over at the waist to watch. We both laughed at the neon show.

What a sweet example of Scripture in our lives. We may not understand every word, but we can trust His Words to guide us as we journey through life.

Like shoes that light up as we walk on dark paths, the Bible illumines our footsteps and sheds light on circumstances of our lives. It is God’s how-to-manual. As we know Him better, we gain His perspective and clarity so we don’t stumble and fall.

Father, may your Words shine your light into the dark corners of my heart. Be my lamp to guide my steps today.

Sylvia Schroeder serves as Women’s Care Coordinator at Avant Ministries. Visit her blog, When the House is Quiet, at

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