Parents Shocked by Adult Drag Queen Performance – at Grade School Talent Show

By Todd Starnes

What in the name of Ru Paul is wrong with the New York City Board of Education?

Parents are furious after children as young as 5-years-old were exposed to a man’s erotic drag show performance at what was supposed to be a school district talent show.

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 “My first reaction was what the hell is going on,” parent Raquel Morales told me.

The New York Daily News described the lewd performance as “complete with gyrations, tongue gymnastics and a flashed G-string.”

The May 25th performance shocked and enraged parents who could not believe the school district would allow a grown man to spread his legs and display his crotch to wide-eyed children.

“I left the show the minute he started sticking his tongue out,” one parent to the Daily News. “I had my children with me and I wasn’t going to allow them to see that.”

Ms. Morales filmed the seven-minute routine on her cell phone and provided me with a copy. It’s jaw-dropping, folks. And when the drag queen dropped to the floor and began writhing in a sexually-suggestive manner, the auditorium erupted.

“Once he got to that part it was chaos,” Ms. Morales said. “People were yelling and leaving. A lot of parents were saying had they known this was going to happen they would have taken their kids out after they had performed.”

The talent show was emceed by District 4 Superintendent Alexandra Estrella. And the individual who performed in drag was identified as the president of the Public School 96 Parent Association.

“The school district told me the performance was about LGBT awareness,” she said.

I reached out to the district as well as the board of education – multiple times. So far, they have not returned my telephone calls.

So, here’s the bottom line. There are several issues that need to be addressed.

First, who signed off on a school program that featured a kindergarten choir and a gyrating, adult drag queen?

Second, why is that person still employed by the school district?

Third, why hasn’t the school district publicly apologized to traumatized parents and their children?

Ms. Morales made it a point to explain that her objection had nothing to do with the LGBT movement.

“I’m 100 percent against discrimination,” she said.

This is about age-appropriate behavior – and what happened in that auditorium was not age appropriate.

“The superintendent was the emcee – and she has a responsibility to protect all children,” she said. “That wasn’t a child performing. It was an adult.”

Moving forward, I recommend the school district adopt a policy to govern future grade school talent shows:

If a drag queen wants to spread his legs and show off his G-string he should do that at a nightclub – not a public school talent show.

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