Nourished to Flourish

By Sylvia Schroeder

“My soul clings to the dust; give me life according to your word!” Ps 119:25 (ESV)

Forlorn dried stems seem to gaze up at me from a dusty flower pot. An orange flower on my begonia drops a fragile petal. Unfortunately, the begonia is one of a long list of dead plants. The backyard utility shed is like a salvage yard of shriveled attempts to bring green life to our home. Brown curled leaves, brittle and sad reprimand me. One thing is certain.

To flourish you must nourish.

I don’t plan to kill my plants. I always have good intentions when they come home with me, but despite being a farmer’s daughter, plants do not thrive under my thumb. If my plants could just tell me they were thirsty, I’d be there with a watering can. If they could tell me it’s too hot, too cold, too sunny or too shady, I’d protect them and shelter them. But they are silent, and I forget. Without care they cannot thrive.

I am needy for the care of my Savior, yet I often don’t realize it. Feeding on God’s Word brings growth. His roots plant deep in my heart and my inner being flourishes like a well-watered plant. Without Scripture’s constant source, I become stilted and dry like my begonia.

As I carry my clay pot to join others, I am grateful for the reminder. God never forgets me. He is my Always-Caretaker. My thirsty spirit stretches toward Him like leaves to the sun. He longs to meet me within the pages of His Word.

Is your soul nourished so it can flourish?

Father, nourish my soul today with the watering of Your Word. Thank you for your constant care.  

Sylvia Schroeder serves as Women’s Care Coordinator at Avant Ministries. Visit her blog, When the House is Quiet, at

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