My Real Home

By Sylvia Schroeder

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” John 15:4; (ESV)

Moving boxes lined the wall. I took a graceful vase off the shelf and held it in my hands, remembering. A friend gave it to me, a token of her affection. I couldn’t part with it. I wadded newspaper, wrapped it around and laid it in a box.

Like precious jewels, I sifted through possessions. Some got tossed, others had value. But the ones with history, regardless of their monetary worth were carefully kept.

How I hate moving. It uproots my physical being and does havoc with my inner person. However, I’ve come to understand an unsettled soul can be a good thing. It’s good because it reminds me of what is really important and what is not. But even deeper, it calls my attention to the significance of abiding.

I’ve lived in a lot of houses, but my true dwelling is not in any of them.

Jesus offers a place to abide. It is an abode of love beyond my comprehension. My home is in His heart and His in mine. It is secure regardless of my state of living, upheavals around me or the address of my house.

Where is your home?

The brown cardboard boxes have forced me to purge what I don’t need from what is essential. More importantly they have reminded me that even in the most unsettling circumstances, my dwelling place is in Him.  

Jesus, I am so thankful that You live in me. Remind me of my true home in the upheaval of life’s circumstances.

Sylvia Schroeder serves as Women’s Care Coordinator at Avant Ministries. Visit her blog, When the House is Quiet, at

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