A woman in Norway is under criminal investigation and faces three years in jail if she is found guilty of hate speech charges for saying men cannot be lesbians.
Tonje Gjevjon, a lesbian filmmaker and actress, possibly committed a crime when she posted the following on social media:
“It’s just as impossible for men to become a lesbian as it is for men to become pregnant. Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes,” she wrote in part.
The women’s rights activist said she intentionally posted a lengthy message online to bring attention to her country’s hate speech laws.
Below is her full translated post from Facebook:
Men who permalaive that they are lesbians and women are the way I see it women discriminating perverse fetishists. There are employed men who identify and thus permalives that they are women and lesbians in skewed organizations – one of them is @ChristineJentoft who was formerly named Christer Jentoft. He’s hired as a freelance counselor who for some strange reason still says they work for lesbians. Heterophile Lesbian Men like Christine Jentoft are by resolution in Stortinget have been assigned a home in the legislation to report lesbian women like me and any other women and men who express disgust these men’s attempts to use the legislation against names nonfile men/women and lesbian women pointing out how fucking humiliating it is that we have to accept the bullshit gender identity holds and that is wrapped as a minority vulnerability. Skeive associations such as the association free and men who fetishize being a lesbian full-time are now using the legislation passed by the Parliament to report people who do not want to comply with this insane belief regime. It’s just as impossible for men to become lesbian as it is for men to get pregnant. Men are men regardless of their sexual fetishes – so men with fetishes have been protected as a vulnerable minority through the foolish and constructed concept of gender identity is koko. It is important to give the politicians who are behind this responsibility because the others are just running boys/girls. Bent Høie Jens Stoltenberg Anette Trettebergstuen Kjersti Stenseng @ Jonas Gahr Støre and many more.
Gjevjon was informed on Nov. 17 she was under investigation for speaking out on social media against transgender activist and self-described “lesbian mother” Christine Jentoft.
Norway changed its hate speech law in 2020, making hate speech against transgender individuals illegal.
The activist said she was also pushed out of the music and art industry after 15 years.
“I have stated that women are female, that lesbians do not have penises, that children should not be responsible for decisions they do not have the capacity to understand the scope of, and that no-platforming is harmful to democracy. For these opinions I have been canceled several times,” Gjevjon wrote in Klassekampen.
“I was not prepared for the extent of how queer organizations, politicians and activists would demonize a lesbian artist who was not in step. Trans activists contact people I work with, portraying me as hateful and warning against being associated with me,” she concluded.
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