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Pope Francis on Wednesday called on parents to accept their children if they are gay, not condemn them.

‘There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY, that’s it.’ – Pastor John MacArthur
Pastor John MacArthur told his congregation Sunday that transgenderism is a "lie," joining thousands of pastors in protest of a…

BuzzFeed is adding an editor’s note to all its Harry Potter content, saying it does "not support discriminatory or hateful speech…

Parents of University of Pennsylvania women's swim team members are demanding the NCAA change rules allowing biological males, including Lia…

The largest teachers union in California urged educators to recruit children for LGBTQ clubs, according to leaked audio.

A graphic novel illustrating LGBT oral sex was discovered in public school libraries within the Keller Independent School District in…

Students at a Pennsylvania university were warned that not using a classmate's preferred pronoun could result in action against them