
Tony Perkins Reveals the Greatest Problem Facing America

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins told Todd Starnes what he believes is the most pressing issue facing our nation.

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Is the lack of moral courage the greatest threat to our nation?

Starnes asked Perkins the question during the “Pray Vote Stand Summit” in Atlanta, Georgia.

“What would you say is the most pressing issue facing our nation at this time, at this juncture?” the “Todd Starnes Show” host asked.

“You know that is an extremely important and I think, insightful question,” Perkins began.

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“You know, I could run down a list of policy issues and I could talk about what the Senate is doing right now with this codifying of the Obergefell decision trying to redefine marriage, a federal statute. I could talk about the abortion issue, but let me tell you what I think is the greatest threat to our nation is a lack of moral courage,” he explained.

“And we need people who know the truth and are willing to stand for the truth and to be there,” Perkins added. “That’s why we call pray, vote stand in order to stand for truth in the culture in which we live. You’ve got to have a firm foundation. And that begins, as we see it, as an unapologetically Christian organization, a relationship with Jesus Christ, solid in your faith, able to stand against the cultural forces that are sweeping across our land. That’s, to me, the greatest threat to our nation.

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“The greatest threat to our nation is a lack of moral courage. And we need people who know the truth and are willing to stand for the truth and to be there.”

Listen to the full conversation here:

The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show which airs daily from noon to 3:00 p.m. EST.

TODD STARNES: [01:36:57] the president of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, who is on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. Tony, I hope you’re doing well today. [01:37:03][5.9]

TONY PERKINS: [01:37:04] Doing quite well. Todd, looking forward to seeing you here at First Baptist Church in Atlanta, which is the site of this year’s Pray, Vote, Stand Todd. [01:37:12][7.9]

TODD STARNES: [01:37:14] And looking forward to being on your program a little bit later this afternoon. I’ll be driving down that way. And Tony, I’m very excited about the lineup. I think it’s one of these for such a time as this moment for this very important conference. [01:37:27][13.8]

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TONY PERKINS: [01:37:29] It is. And it’s you know, it’s not a political rally, although we’ve got political leaders. It is really descriptive by its title Pray, Vote, Stand. And this is a conference for believers, for Christians, for those that understand the Faith Foundation, the Christian faith at the foundation, its foundational role in our nation, and that we live in a time that like we are challenged on every front, and we do need to seek those spiritual solutions. We are in the spiritual battle we’re going to talk about this week. This week we’re going to talk about what’s happening in our classrooms with the indoctrination, our children, in talking about election reform and why that’s so important, and how that’s played out even here in Georgia. You know what we’re going to be hearing from you and other conservative cultural leaders, but we’re going to have some very practical panel discussions so that folks can not only have, you know, information and be challenged to pray but to also understand the role that we play in this country of voting and why it’s important and how we need to get others to vote and overwhelm the shenanigans that the left likes to do at the ballot box. And then we’ve got to stand for truth. And there’s going to be a lot of discussion about that this week and why we have to stand against this cultural tide that is moving our nation in the wrong direction. [01:38:51][82.1]

TODD STARNES: [01:38:52] And, Tony, there’s been so much emphasis placed on what’s happening in Washington, D.C. and in recent years that we’ve ignored what’s happening at the state and local level. And it seems to me that what’s happening on the state and local ever level, be it at the state house or the local school board, those are, I think, more impactful to the culture. [01:39:12][19.5]

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TONY PERKINS: [01:39:14] You’re absolutely right. It’s one of the reasons we’ve taken the last two years. We’ve taken our annual event on the road and why we’re in The Lancet, Georgia, this year. Washington is important, no doubt about it. But as I often tell people, you know, Washington, we’re just going to keep the barbarians at bay. The real changes, the impactful changes. And I say this as a former state legislator who did a number of first-in-the-nation pieces of public policy. The real action is at the states. And you mentioned school boards. That is something we’re going to be talking a lot about. In fact, we’ve got a candidate training track that’s going to be happening here this week. And these school board races that are happening across the country. A prime example of how people are making a difference. Taking back schools, pushing this leftist indoctrination out of our classrooms, and saving our children. And that’s going to be a big focus this week. And people can find out more. There’s still time to register. prayvotestand.org If you can’t get here. Well, we’re going to be putting it online as well. So you’ll be able to watch the broadcast online. But if you live here in the state of Georgia, we’ve got some room for you still, but you need to register quickly. At prayvotestand.org [01:40:27][73.7]

TODD STARNES: [01:40:31] And Tony, if I’m hearing you correctly, it’s not just about hearing someone like me bloviating from the platform. We’re talking about hands-on, very practical things that you can take back to your home, your community, and put into action. [01:40:43][11.9]

TONY PERKINS: [01:40:44] Right. It’s a mix. I mean, we’ve got inspirational messages. We’ve got those that are out there finger on the pulse of the country like you that are going to be talking about some of these issues. But then it’s going to be followed up by panel discussions, experts in election reform, experts on education, experts on the whole transgender ideology that’s being pushed upon our kids. We’re going to be talking about woke corporations. How do we fight back against these woke corporations that are taking the profits from the business we do with them to use against us when it comes to our values? So all of those things are going to be discussed, as I mentioned. There’s also a candidate training session that will be taking place. [01:41:25][40.7]

TODD STARNES: [01:41:26] Tony, I’m curious from your perspective and I mean, you’re at the tip of the spear when it comes to these kinds of issues. What would you say is the most pressing issue facing our nation at this time, at this juncture? [01:41:38][11.9]

TONY PERKINS: [01:41:41] You know that is an extremely important and I think, insightful question. You know, I could run down a list of policy issues and I could talk about what the Senate is doing right now with this codifying of the Obergefell decision trying to redefine marriage, a federal statute. I could talk about the abortion issue, but let me tell you what I think is the greatest threat to our nation is a lack of moral courage. And we need people who know the truth and are willing to stand for the truth and to be there. That’s why we call pray, vote stand in order to stand for truth in the culture in which we live. You’ve got to have a firm foundation. And that begins, as we see it, as an unapologetically Christian organization, a relationship with Jesus Christ, solid in your faith, able to stand against the cultural forces that are sweeping across our land. That’s, to me, the greatest threat to our nation. [01:42:37][56.6]

TODD STARNES: [01:42:38] Wow. That’s you know, I don’t think I’ve heard anybody put it in those words. But, Tony, I think there’s a lot of truth there that it really is a lack of moral courage that got us to where we’re at. You know, another concern I would have is the number of churches that have intentionally disengaged from the conversation. And I think that churches bear responsibility and have an obligation to speak truth into the culture. [01:43:04][25.4]

TONY PERKINS: [01:43:05] They do. I mean, if a church is not going to speak truth, who will? I mean, it’s certainly not going to come from Hollywood. It’s not going to come from the legacy media. And I hear this if I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it two dozen times as I talk to elected officials every you know, every day. But I’m hearing this frequently is that why do Christians and pastors want us as political leaders? Why do they want us to talk about issues and vote on issues that they won’t preach about from their pulpit? And you know what? That’s a very poignant question. If we expect the political class to lead on these issues, we need the pulpits of America to speak to these issues. There is a leadership role that the church and pastors have to play, and there are many that are doing it. And then you and I know a lot of those pastors, but we need more to join their ranks. [01:43:58][52.8]

TODD STARNES: [01:43:59] Wow. That’s wow. That’s great stuff. You’re like preaching a sermon here on the radio, Tony Perkins. [01:44:04][5.4]

TONY PERKINS: [01:44:06] Well, I’m just getting warmed up for the pray vote stand summit that’s coming up this week. [01:44:09][2.8]

TODD STARNES: [01:44:09] That’s prayvotestand.org. Folks, we got a direct link to this on our live show blog. You can find it here. If you are listening to us anywhere in the southern states, we’d love for you to come and be a part of this great event at the First Baptist Church in Atlanta. Looking forward to meeting a lot of our listeners down there at the conference starting tomorrow. So, Tony, looking forward to it and safe travels and look forward to seeing you tomorrow. [01:44:09][0.0]

TONY PERKINS: [01:44:37] Absolutely, Todd. In fact, look forward to seeing you tonight as you’ll be on the show tonight. [01:44:41][3.1]

TODD STARNES: [01:44:42] Yeah, that’s right. Pray for me. I’ll be in traffic. I’ve got to make sure I don’t lose my religion. [01:44:46][3.9]

TONY PERKINS: [01:44:48] That requires a lot of prayers here in Atlanta. [01:44:50][2.2]

TODD STARNES: [01:44:51] Yes, it does. All right. Tony Perkins, ladies and gentlemen of the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. [01:44:57][5.9]


  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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