SHAME!! Rep. Mark Meadows Calls Out Senate Republicans

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Senate Republicans need to get a backbone. That’s according to Rep. Mark Meadows (R-North Carolina) in an interview Wednesday on The Todd Starnes Show.

“They have no one to blame but themselves,” Meadows began. “They passed disaster relief out of the Senate, which we all know that many of our states needed that disaster relief, but they also passed it without giving the president any money for border security measures, and they weren’t even apologetic about it.”

Meadows went on to say that Senate Republicans are now upset with President Trump’s plan to impose tariffs on Mexico as a way of getting that nation to do something about drugs and migrants.

“The drugs that are coming in, the people that are coming in unchecked. They’re coming up by the millions. Mexico can stop it. They have to stop it. Otherwise we just won’t be able to do business. It’s a very simple thing.”

–President Trump, Wednesday, during a visit to Ireland

“Senate Republicans want to blame the president for actually taking a tool that he has in his toolbox to make sure we secure our border,” continued Meadows, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus. “Shame on them and I’m saying it being part of the same party, but I can tell you, in the House, if the president works, we’re going to stand with the president and we’re going to secure our border.”

Meadows’ remarks echo those from Republican voters in border states not happy about the border situation.

“We hear from people that live in those border states almost daily here on our show,” Todd Starnes told Meadows. “They always start their comments by saying, “I’m a republican but nothing is being done down here, and they’re looking for some relief and they’re not getting any relief right now from Washington, D.C.”

“I mean there’s nothing being done other than a whole lot of politicians talking about doing something,” added Meadows. “There’s one person in Washington D.C. that’s taking action, and whether you applaud the tactics or not, he’s serious about getting something done.”

Meadows was referring to President Trump. He and Meadows spoke about the issues earlier this week.

“I can tell you Mexico needs to come to the table they need to be serious about it or he’s going to actually put the tariffs on and make sure that indeed something gets done instead of just rhetoric.”

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