Todd Starnes Show Recap – Sep 28

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The Todd Starnes Show has an all-star lineup today, which airs Monday through Friday from noon to 3 pm EST all across America! You can listen LIVE at — give us a call at 888-788-9910



2:05pm –Don’t Blame Me! Speaker Paul Ryan on Wednesday said it was “extremely frustrating” that the Republican majority in the Senate had been unable to push through pieces of the GOP agenda that have passed in the House. Equipped with graphs highlighting the disparity between the number of bills passed by the House and the number that have stalled in the Senate, Ryan (R-Wis.) aired his grievances during an interview on Fox News. He cited the upper chamber’s inability to convert on the Republican Party’s major goals thus far during the Trump administration. “Is that frustrating for the House? You bet it’s frustrating in the House,” Ryan told Fox News’ Sean Hannity, saying that 274 of the 337 bills that have passed in the House as of Sept. 22 have not made it through the Senate. 

2:20pm – Living the Bream! Guest: Shannon Bream, Co-Host of America’s Newsroom, Host of podcast Livin’ The Bream & soon to be Host of Fox News @night starting October 30th. 

2:30pm- Tax Reform! Congressional Republicans on Wednesday unveiled the framework for their long-awaited tax-reform plan, which simplifies the tax system and cuts rates for businesses – while attempting to boost household incomes by nearly doubling the standard IRS deduction used by most Americans. “This has been a long time coming,” House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said at a Capitol Hill press conference where he also pointed out that Washington has not enacted major tax reform in roughly 30 years. “Instead of a source of pride, our tax code has become a constant source of frustration. It’s too big. It’s too complicated. It’s too expensive. Today, we are taking the next step to liberate America from our broken tax code.”



1:05pm- Girl Power? Former first lady Michelle Obama leveled harsh criticism Wednesday at women who voted for President Trump, suggesting they voted against their own interests.  “Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice,” Obama told the audience during a talk at a marketing conference in Boston, according to  She went on to suggest female voters for Trump were just going with the pack.  “It doesn’t say much about Hillary, and everybody’s trying to worry about what it means for Hillary and no, no, no what does this mean for us as women?” she asked, as reported by the Washington Times. “That we look at those two candidates, as women, and many of us said, ‘He’s better for me. His voice is more true to me.’ To me that just says, you don’t like your voice. You just like the thing you’re told to like.”  She was taking a swipe at a large swath of the population — according to exit polls, 41 percent of women voted for Trump in November. 

1:20pm- Guest: Allie Stuckey, the conservative millennial. Conservative millennial vlogger. Check her out at the

Washington Redskins fan Burns all of his NFL stuff!



From USAToday, By: Charles Curtis | August 27, 2016
From USAToday, By: Charles Curtis | August 27, 2016

12:05pm- Stand Up! President Trump says most Americans agree with his attacks on protesting football players who kneel during the national anthem – and claims so do some National Football League owners. “They say, ‘We are in a situation where we have to do something,’ ” Trump said in an interview broadcast Thursday on Fox & Friends. “I think they’re afraid of their players, you want to know the truth.” Trump’s assertion that the team owners were “afraid” sparked backlash on social media, where users pointed out that most of those players are African-American. 

12:30pm- Disgusted! A Chicago high school displayed an American flag like a doormat by unfurling it across the floor as a part of an art project to address to “complexities” of free speech. The principal of York Community HS said the display is a recreation of a 1989 art exhibit and is in “no way meant to disrespect the flag,” according to the Chicago Tribune. “It was used for students to reconcile their feelings about current issues and whether their First Amendment rights are protected,” the principal, Erin DeLuga said in the letter posted online. “These are difficult conversations when challenging students to think critically about issues that are relevant to them, school, and society.” The school’s Facebook page was flooded with negative comments. Guest: Jay Zito, Iraqi vet


SICK! Teachers Desecrate American Flag – Inside a School Library

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