LIAR, LIAR! Journalist Admits Fabricating Trump Quotes

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Time magazine columnist and editor at large Ian Bremmer admitted that he fabricated a quote about President Trump that went viral over the weekend. CLICK HERE TO PRE-ORDER TODD’S UPCOMING BOOK, “CULTURE JIHAD.”

Bremmer, who is also a professor at New York University, quoted the president as saying, “Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.”

Washington Examiner reporter Jerry Dunleavy was the first to question the authenticity of the comments.

“If this alleged quote from Trump is accurate, it’s a huge propaganda win for the disgusting murderous tyrant that is King Jong Un. But if this quote is fabricated, it’s a truly deceitful piece of Fake News,” Dunleavy wrote on Twitter.

At first Bremmer defended his fake quotes as “plausible,” but later admitted the comments were completely made up.

“My tweet yesterday about Trump preferring Kim Jong Un to Biden as President was meant in jest. The President correctly quoted me as saying it was a “completely ludicrous” statement. I should have been clearer. My apologies,” the disgraced columnist wrote.

But his apology did not matter because the president’s critics in the Mainstream Media and the Democrat Party had a field day with the fake quote.

“Don’t shrug your shoulders. Don’t get used to this insanity,” wrote CNN contributor Ana Navarro. “The President of the United States praising a cruel dictator who violates human rights, threatens nuclear attacks, oppresses his people, and kills political opponents, IS NOT FREAKING NORMAL.”

President Trump was outraged by Bremmer’s admission calling it a “completely ludicrous quote.”

“This is what’s going on in the age of Fake News,” Trump added. “People think they can say anything and get away with it. Really, the libel laws should be changed to hold Fake News Media accountable!”

The lesson is to never, ever trust anything the Mainstream Media reports about President Trump. If they publish outlandish quotes, don’t believe it unless there is audio to back up their claims.

The Mainstream Media simply cannot be trusted. 

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