EDITOR’S NOTE: Todd Starnes owns one of the top conservative radio stations in the nation. Click here to download his free app so you can listen to conservative news and talk 24-7.
Christian conservative actor Kevin Sorbo joined the “Todd Starnes Show” Monday to encourage people to buy tickets to his highly anticipated upcoming movie sequel to the 2014 Left Behind film.
“Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist,” premiering in 1500 theaters around the United States on Jan. 26, is the sequel to Vic Armstrong’s 2014 film, in which Kevin Sorbo will be taking over the role of Nicholas Cage’s character, Rayford Steele.
“So whatever you want to do, it’s still a movie that will make people think a little bit, and hopefully, many people will pack those theaters and get out there and take a look at it,” Sorbo told Starnes on the upcoming release.
Author of the book series Jerry B. Jenkins called it the “best Left Behind movies so far.”
Sorbo told Starnes he thinks it’s God’s timing for why the sequel took so long to come together.
“We filmed it a year ago because of what’s been happening worldwide for the last three years. It’s crazy and insane with all the hate, anger, divisiveness, violence, over-sexualization, pushing agendas, wokeism, pronouns, and cancel culture that goes on and on and on. And these people are just really causing all this craziness in the world. So I think this movie is perfect. It feels like the rapture already happened, and we even got left behind,” he added.
“So I think this would be the perfect time to come out and wake people up a little bit,” Sorbo said. “And I’m hoping that when people leave the theater, the movies like this will have conversations because, you know, Avengers movies are great, but they’re mostly visual effects. It’s like a roller coaster ride. But a movie like this hopefully makes people think and talk, and I hope they open the Bible and read the book Revelation.”
NOTE FROM TODD: I’m inviting you to Stand With Israel. I’m leading a trip in November to the Holy Land – seven days and seven nights exploring Holy Land sites and exclusive meetings with Israeli government leaders. More information at ToddStarnes.com.
The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show, which airs daily from noon – 3:00 p.m. EST.
TODD STARNES: [01:36:21] Let’s go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. Our good friend, a great American patriot, and I’m sure Kevin Sorbo, has a much lovelier singing voice. Kevin, how’s it going? [01:36:31][9.8]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:36:32] I got a great singing voice, so that I would have put in the same. But I think you’re also putting the same in many different categories. [01:36:36][4.0]
TODD STARNES: [01:36:37] And I bet you would have no at least known who you were singing Happy Birthday to. Just unbelievable with this president. [01:36:43][5.6]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:36:44] But it’s not shocking, though, is it, really, at this point? [01:36:46][2.1]
TODD STARNES: [01:36:47] No, not really. I’m impressed that he knew where he was or any words to Happy birthday. So Kevin Sorbo is here not to wax on about Joe Biden, but he is here to talk about an incredible new movie coming out. And Kevin, I’m very excited about this. This is in theaters beginning January 26. It’s called Left Behind Rise of the Antichrist. Tell us about this great new film. [01:37:11][24.9]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:37:13] It’s a sequel to the one they put out eight years ago, Nicolas Cage starring in. And I took over that role, Rayford Steele, the pilot from the books the Left Behind books from Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. They sold 80 million copies of those books, and Kirk Cameron did a couple of movies way back, like 2000, 2001, one or so. And this is the sequel to the one done 8 years ago, six months later, after the Rapture. And what’s left on the Earth are all the nonbelievers and Antifa, you know, people like that. So it’s, you know, people that six months to digest this. And, of course, you’re going to get people that will still deny it, right? They’ll still say it was aliens or whatever that come up for some reason. But then you get a lot of people to say, ” Man, I blew it. And my character, Rayford Steele, is on that track right now. He’s had six months to sort of wallow in his misery, and he’s now at a place where he wants to follow what his wife was doing. His wife warned him about it. He knew it was the rapture. He was on the plane when his copilot disappeared, and many passengers disappeared. And he is on his own sort of journey now to find redemption in his life and find faith in his life as well. And the story has about four or five different storylines that all come together at the end. It’s a wonderful script written by Jessica Parker and Paul Lalonde from Cloud Ten. Cloud Ten has owned the rights to these books for 35 years now. I think. So. It’s an action thriller. It is. I mean, some people would say it’s sci-fi. They think the book Revelations is sci-fi. So whatever you want to do, it’s still a movie that will make people think a little bit, and hopefully, many people will pack those theaters and get out there and take a look at it. [01:38:43][89.9]
TODD STARNES: [01:38:43] Yeah, it’s this is going to be pretty, pretty awesome. And I remember, you know, the first the original left behind. And it was one of those moments, I think, that sort of Elevated Faith-Based movies at that time. Going back to Jerry in Tim Lahaye’s book, Jerry is a good friend of mine, and just seeing that brought to life, it is such a compelling, you know, a segment of the Bible, I think. When our pastor says, oh, we’re going to go through the Book of Revelation, I think even more people turn out because they’re so intrigued with what that book is about. [01:39:18][34.9]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:39:20] Unfortunately, many people don’t discuss it. But I would jump on Jerry Jenkins here because it’s full circle for me. I did a movie back in 2010 called What If? And if you haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend it. The same writers that did God’s Not Dead that I did a couple of years later ended up being a big hit. But in my book, in the 70-plus movies, I said, What if it is a far better movie? But the trouble with independent movies, we don’t have $100 million advertising budget like James Cameron does for his Avatar movie. So we got to rely on word of mouth and got that. That certainly went down that road was huge. But what if he seemed very Jenkins was the one who produced it? He’s the one that funded it. And his son, Dallas Jenkins, is the one who directed it. Of course, Dallas is killing it right now. [01:40:01][40.5]
TODD STARNES: [01:40:01] With the Chosen. Oh. [01:40:02][1.0]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:40:03] Yeah. And here I am, always kind of full circle, doing the next Left Behind movie. And Jerry Jenkins just said recently that he put up a quote. He said This is the best left behind movie so far. I found it timely and deeply moving. So I can’t beat that endorsement by anybody right now. [01:40:18][15.4]
TODD STARNES: [01:40:18] If you look at what’s happening right now, Kevin, and the culture and its chaos, it is. And I’m wondering why this film might be so important for this time, this era. [01:40:31][13.0]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:40:32] You know, it’s perfect timing. Some people asked me over eight years ago. Well, they did the movie in that case. Why did it take so long? Said, well, there’s a series of events that were going on, and the people that were doing that own the rights up there in Toronto called Cloud Ten Guys. And I think this was God’s timing. I think all the reasons came this long to take out. We filmed it a year ago because of what’s been happening worldwide for the last three years. It’s crazy and insane with all the hate, anger, divisiveness, violence, over-sexualization, pushing agendas, wokeism, pronouns, and cancel culture that goes on and on and on. And these people are just really causing all this craziness in the world. So I think this movie is perfect. It feels like the rapture already happened, and we even got left behind. So I think this would be the perfect time to come out and wake people up a little bit. And I’m hoping that when people leave the theater, the movies like this will have conversations because, you know, Avengers movies are great, but they’re mostly visual effects. It’s like a roller coaster ride. But a movie like this hopefully makes people think and talk, and I hope they open the Bible and read the book Revelation. I remember the kid, our pastor policy read. Trust me; this book will scare the hell out of you. And I love that quote. So I hope people will do the same thing. [01:41:42][69.6]
TODD STARNES: [01:41:43] There’s a great old Southern gospel song, Kevin called I thank God for the preacher who scared the hell out of me. [01:41:49][6.3]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:41:51] I love it. [01:41:51][0.2]
TODD STARNES: [01:41:52] There’s a lot of truth in that. So Kevin Sorbo on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line Oh, by the way, Kevin, you know, your wife Sam and I, we do a segment together every Thursday on Newsmax on Chris Salcedo Show. And it’s just exciting to see both of you and the impact you’re having on the culture, especially in this entertainment world. I mean, you guys are crushing it. [01:42:16][24.6]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:42:18] Well, you know, it’s just a path I had to go down about a dozen years ago. And I got the boot out of Hollywood. I guess that being a Christian and a conservative is like the equal of being a double leper in Hollywood. You know, they’re the ones that scream for tolerance and freedom of speech. But as we all know, it’s a one-way street with them. And it’s too bad. But you see the evil coming out of Hollywood. They control the culture, the media controls the culture, and their message is just unbelievably evil, not constantly. So I want to go back to the movies they made back in the, you know, the forties and fifties movies that the good guy does win, that evil does get defeated. And there’s love, and there’s laughter and hope and redemption. But I think we’re missing hope more than anything in this world right now. And I do want to throw out right now for people to please support this movie. Got left behind movie dot com left behind movie dot com. It shows you the trailer, and I’ll also show you the theater near you. Just throw in your zip code. [01:43:06][47.8]
TODD STARNES: [01:43:06] I love this. And we are going to be promoting a lot on this radio program and again folks left behind movie dot com that’s left behind movie dot com. You can get tickets, and the great thing about these fathom events if we sell them out there are going to be even more showings, and this is going to be a pretty spectacular movie. Jerry Jerry’s not one to throw down compliments that much so if you know him well. [01:43:33][27.3]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:43:35] But, you know, we’re on 1500 screens up here in the US, so they were on 300 screens in Canada. So that is great in itself. And I got a quick pop for one quick more plug. My wife and I are hosting a second trip to Israel from May 17 to 28. We only have eight spots still open. We got 52 people, and we have capped at 60. We did it four years ago. Hugely successful for those. I know there are a lot of people out there listening around that always want to go to Israel. There’s a bucket list trip. We have amazing locations, go to amazing speakers at dinner time, and this is Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus. I’ll go to Sorbo, Israel Trip.com as well. [01:44:08][33.6]
TODD STARNES: [01:44:09] All right, We’re going to do that. But here’s the deal, Kevin. If we sell yours out today, you got to move people. You’ve got to recommend people join my trip to Israel in November. So we’ll have to my tag team. [01:44:20][10.8]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:44:21] I’m more than happy to do that. That would be fantastic. [01:44:23][1.6]
TODD STARNES: [01:44:23] I love it. [01:44:24][0.7]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:44:24] You’re all right there by the. [01:44:26][2.0]
TODD STARNES: [01:44:28] What’s that, Kevin? [01:44:28][0.4]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:44:29] I was just there in May. I did another documentary following the tracing of the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle. [01:44:34][5.3]
TODD STARNES: [01:44:36] It is. You know, I went for the first time a couple of years ago with our friends from Duck Dynasty, and it was just jaw-dropping, you know, the first time there and to see it. You know, the Bible comes to life before your eyes. And it didn’t even get to see a, you know, a corner of what I wanted to see. So we’re excited to take a group back later this year. And I’m excited that you and Sam are taking a great team out there in May. [01:45:00][24.3]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:45:02] Well, it’s an amazing place. And even the Great Atheists, the world is like a documentary. Never denied that there wasn’t a man named Jesus. So I hope people will jump on board both of our trips and have an amazing time walking in that cradle of civilization right there. [01:45:16][14.9]
TODD STARNES: [01:45:17] All right, Kevin Sorbo, ladies and gentlemen, the movie Left Behind Rise of the Antichrist. We have a direct link to the movie on our live show blog. Or you can go to left behind movie dot com. That’s left behind movie dot com. You can also go to Kevin’s website Kevin Sorbo dot net. Kevin is always good to hear from you. God bless, and congratulations. [01:45:35][18.4]
KEVIN SORBO: [01:45:37] All right. Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. Happy New Year. [01:45:40][2.4]
TODD STARNES: [01:45:40] Happy New Year. Kevin Sorbo. I can’t wait to see that movie. I saw the first left behind. I freaked out on the airplane scene, but it was pretty awesome. So let’s see what happens here. [01:45:52][12.4]