Sean Hannity offered a strong endorsement of “Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation.”
The new book, written by Fox News Radio’s Todd Starnes, exposes a disturbing plot by leftists, secularists and socialists to destroy American culture and traditions.
It is a war on free speech, religious liberty, the right to bear arms, the traditional American family and capitalism.
Starnes warns that unless patriots take a stand and fight back, the culture jihadists will turn our past into rubble.
“Todd delivers a soul-stirring defense of President Trump and the people that enthusiastically support him,” Hannity said in his endorsement. “If you are an irredeemable deplorable, Walmart-shopping, great American that clings to God, the Bible, and the Constitution, this is a must-read for you.”
Hannity declared Todd’s book to be “100% American MAGA Country!” Click here to pre-order your copy of “Culture Jihad.”