“Bill from Sedona, Arizona” called the Todd Starnes Radio Show the other day with word of a disturbing incident that happened inside a Safeway grocery store.
Bill, a retired Army veteran in a wheelchair, told me he was accosted by two supporters of Krysten Sinema, the Democrat running for the U.S. Senate against Rep. Martha McSally (R-AZ).
They were apparently triggered by his Army hat.
“These two Sinema supporters wearing their bright pink t-shirts looked at me and started giving me the what-for so I gave it back to them,” Bill said.
The allegedly told Bill that he was evil and asked how he could be a solider in this day and age.
“They attack anybody who is wearing a McSally shirt, they attack anybody wearing a Trump shirt. They attack anybody wearing a military themed shirt,” he told me.
Bill said he did not get vulgar or nasty with the two Sinema supporters, but he did not back down.
“I’m also a retired teacher,” he said. “I’m a big-mouthed Jew from the Bronx – that’s what my wife tells me.”
“I said you oughta be ashamed of yourself. What I did for this country. I bled for this country. I had friends who died for this country. I’m missing half a leg for this country,” he told the ungrateful leftists. “You have no right to even speak to me that way.”
And that was that. After Bill said what was on his mind, he rolled away to the deli counter and went on with his day.
Civil, but not silent, patriots. That’s our battle cry.
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