Denver Cops Told to Stand Down as Pro-Police Patriots Were Attacked

Michelle Malkin, the conservative pundit who was assaulted at a pro-police rally in downtown Denver on Sunday, told the “Todd Starnes Show” that the Denver Police union president said officers were told to stand down during the violent clash and apologized publicly

She said the union boss told a local radio show that there was a stand-down order “essentially abandoning the pro-police patriots” to the angry mob and it was one “heroic” lieutenant who defied the order and held the line in defense of the protesters. The protesters had previously been told they were on their own.


Malkin said that the protest at Civic Center Park is a good example of how elected officials are terrified to stand in the way of the Black Lives Matter Movement. She said that it was the first time in 60 years that the state’s governor refused to acknowledge the rally’s existence. Gov. Jared Polis, the Democrat, refused to sign the order, which she said is expected given the climate and the new regime the country lives under.

She said “George Floyd Derangement Syndrome, Antifa and Black Lives Matter” have essentially hijacked every institution in the country.

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Malkin criticized Paul Pazen, the city’s police chief, for walking hand-in-hand with Black Lives Matter protests a few weeks ago a “kneeling before their agenda. And then, he essentially turned his back on protesters who were out there to support him and his officers.

She said he tried to discourage the event that had the proper permits.


“Wrap your mind around that, Todd,” she said. “A police chief discouraging law-abiding, peaceful people from holding a rally in honor of law enforcement.”

She said there was a counter-protest planned a few blocks away. Lillian House, the organizer for the Party of Socialism and Liberation, told the Denver Post that the protest was formed because the celebration of police is “unacceptable.”

Malkin said the pro-police rally was eventually swarmed by counterprotesters and the few police that were there essentially did nothing.

She described the assault on the pro-police rally as almost a planned military attack that started with a line of BLM protesters who sprayed pro-police protesters with aerosols, which paved way for a second wave that assaulted others. She said the organizer of the event was beaten after offering a prayer for police and the country.

She pointed out that Denver has not been the focus of many national news reports, but she said the city has been destroyed “just like Portland.”

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