Democratic Socialist Candidate Says Working Class Whites are Racist

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A Democratic Socialist running for the Pennsylvania state house smeared working class white people who live in her district — calling them racist.

Television station KDKA reported exclusively on remarks made by Sara Innamorato during a podcaster interview.

“I just look at my district, right? And it’s 93 percent white,” she said. “My district, which I know is like white working class, poor folk, who are racist, because it’s so much easier for them to look to their side and say, ‘I’m going to blame that person.’”

Innamorato defeated State Rep. Dom Costa in the Democrat primary. He blasted his opponent’s offensive language.

“I find it appalling that somebody would say something; they are not that type of people,” said Rep. Costa told the television station.

Citizens are so enraged that a Republican has launched what he is calling a bipartisan write-in campaign to reelect Costa.

“We are not racist, and I don’t think we should send someone to Harrisburg that has that mindset that her constituents are racist,” Republican Gary Britcher told the television station.

Innamorato did not apologize for her nasty remarks, but she did tell television station WPXI she could’ve reworded what she said.

“Racism, classism, misogyny, bigotry exist in America, it exists in PA, it exists in our backyard, and oftentimes those types of bigotry aren’t rooted in hatred against that group, but rather people working really hard and feeling they can’t get ahead,” she told the television station.

The truth is had Innamorato been talking about any other protected class or demographic, she would’ve been forced to drop out of the race.

Editor’s Note: Social media is cracking down on Conservative content. To ensure you receive conservative and faith-based news items – click here for a free subscription to Todd’s newsletter.

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