We Have Evidence DOJ is Targeting Conservatives, Says Rep. Jim Jordan

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) told the Todd Starnes Show audience that President Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has been weaponized to target those who disagree with the leftist administration.

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The congressman cited incidents where the DOJ has used its power to promote the Democrat’s agenda and suppress conservatives.

Do you think Biden's DOJ targets conservatives?

“It comes on the heels of the Justice Department, again, unequal treatment under the law. The Justice Department going after pro-life activists,” Jordan said. “They kick in the door of the pro-life leader outside of Philadelphia, arrest him in front of his wife and seven children for something the local judge and local law enforcement said wasn’t a crime. U.S. attorney has the FBI kick his door in? Like what is going on here?”

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Jordan is expected to the be next chairman of the House Judiciary Committee when Republicans take control of the chamber in January. When asked where the committee would be focused under his leadership, Jordan said he will aim to bring true justice back to the DOJ.

“That’s where we think you have to focus, because I say this all the time, America is the greatest nation in history, but America is not America if you have a Justice Department that treats people differently under the law,” Jordan said. “We do not have that right now. So that’s where we’re really going to focus in the Judiciary Committee.”

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National radio host Todd Starnes agreed with the congressman, calling the current condition of Biden’s justice department “terrifying.”


The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show which airs daily from noon to 3:00 p.m. EST.

TODD STARNES: [00:59:17] I want to go right now to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line. It’s great to have with us, our friend from Ohio, Congressman Jim Jordan. Congressman, hope you’re doing well today. [00:59:28][10.7]

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): [00:59:29] I’m doing fine, Todd. I hope I hope you are as well. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving weekend. [00:59:32][3.2]

STARNES: [00:59:33] And likewise, you know, my Tennessee volunteers won. I know it was Vanderbilt, but we finished strong. And my condolences to Ohio State. [00:59:41][7.7]

JORDAN: [00:59:42] It was a tough week, a tough week for Buckeye fans. [00:59:44][1.8]

STARNES: [00:59:44] It is. But you guys are still going to get into the playoffs. [00:59:47][3.1]

JORDAN: [00:59:48] Well, I don’t know. I mean, I guess it depends on what USC, what happens with them and the PAC-10. I think if they win, it might be a tough case to make. We’ll have to see. [00:59:59][11.4]

STARNES: [01:00:00] You know, Congressman, we were looking at some White House audio from yesterday. I don’t want to play this. But basically spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre says the White House is going to be keeping a close eye on Twitter. This is a little disconcerting because no one bothered to ask the question, why? Why would you want to keep a close eye on Twitter? [01:00:22][22.3]

JORDAN: [01:00:23] Yeah, well, Exactly. I think it’s, you know, about this “misinformation” and, you know, disinformation, all the stuff that they talk about. But this is the same White House who told us that inflation was temporary. This is the same White House who told us time and time again things that were just absolutely wrong about the COVID virus. You know, they said it didn’t come from a lab. It wasn’t gain of function research. It wasn’t our tax money used there, that vaccinated couldn’t get it, and on and on. So time and time again, they told us things that were not true and they tried to set up the disinformation governance board and now they’re going to be the arbiters of what’s factual? I mean, it’s crazy. But I think the country sees through it and the country appreciates Elon Musk and his commitment to free speech. [01:01:08][44.5]

STARNES: [01:01:09] It does. And I think it says a lot about the fact that so many people are now going back to Twitter. I never thought I would see the day in America where you actually had the media calling for censorship of American citizens. And the ultimate issue here is they are no longer allowed to control the narrative, at least on Twitter. And that terrifies the left. [01:01:29][20.0]

JORDAN: [01:01:30] Yeah, it does. Today’s left, we’ve talked about this before, Todd, but today’s left, they don’t believe in the First Amendment. And today’s left says if you don’t agree with them, you’re not allowed to talk. And if you try, we’re going to call you racist. We’re going to call you names. We’re going to come after you. We’re going to try to cancel you or come after your employer, your family. They don’t care. That is how much the politics drives them versus, you know, the First Amendment. And it’s frightening where they want to go. But the country, we’ve seen phenomenal growth in our Twitter over the last several weeks and months with Elon Musk, which just tells you how much they were throttling back our reach and our communications on that platform before Elon Musk got there. [01:02:19][48.4]

STARNES: [01:02:19] Well, let’s talk about what happens in January. I know investigations are coming. We had Congressman Comer on yesterday. He’s telling us that there are just so many areas that need to be examined and investigated. What about you? What’s the starting point for you? [01:02:36][16.8]

JORDAN: [01:02:38] Well, the big concern is how political the Justice Department has become. And under that umbrella, you got what they did to the school boards. You got this idea that every case is being categorized as a domestic violence extremism case, when they’re not, and then, of course, you got what happened in the run up to the 2020 election where big tech with big media under the pretext of the 51 former intel officials signing this letter, saying that the Hunter Biden story had the “earmarks of being a Russian disinformation campaign.” All that was used to suppress that story and keep it from we the people just days before the most important election. All that’s under this umbrella of how political the Justice Department has become. That’s where we think you have to focus, because I say this all the time, America is the greatest nation in history, but America is not America if you have a Justice Department that treats people differently under the law. It’s supposed to be equal treatment under the law. We do not have that right now. So that’s where we’re really going to focus on the Judiciary Committee. [01:03:37][59.8]

STARNES: [01:03:39] On the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line, our good friend, Congressman Jim Jordan. Congressman, you look at the next speaker of the House. There was a big story up on Breitbart yesterday. Conservatives are concerned that if McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy, doesn’t get the votes, this could become a floor fight and the Democrats could take advantage of all of that. Where do you stand on that? [01:04:06][27.4]

JORDAN: [01:04:07] Well, I hope that leader McCarthy is going to be Speaker McCarthy. I think, as I’ve said, I think on your show and others, I think he’s done a good job of keeping our team together and focused on defending truth and getting facts to the country. You saw that, I always point to the impeachment several years ago when the Democrats did their first impeachment of President Trump, ridiculous impeachment. The conventional wisdom was every single Democrat in the House was going to vote to impeach President Trump and several Republicans were going to join them. We go through that four month ordeal, getting the facts out there, fighting them and going through it. And it was just the opposite. Every single Republican in the House of Representatives voted not to impeach President Trump. Several Democrats joined us. One Democrat switched parties and is now then reelected twice and is a great member of the Republican Conference, Jeff Andrew. So that’s what happens when you stick together as a team and recognize where the left wants to go is so dangerous. We had better stick together and oppose them. So that’s what I hope happens. But, you know, we’ll know here in five weeks. [01:05:06][59.0]

STARNES: [01:05:07] Have you been able to talk to folks? You know, Andy Biggs has been pretty outspoken about this. Congressman Ralph Norman was on the show last week as well. Have you guys had conversations with your colleagues? [01:05:17][10.5]

JORDAN: [01:05:18] We’re trying to. I’m talking with all kinds of members about the situation and why I think it makes sense to, you know, have our team unified and focused on stop stopping the left. And I think Ralph and Andy are great guys. They’re good friends as well. We’ll just have to work through this as a family and I think we can, and then be ready to hit the ground running to repeal those 87,000 IRS agents, to do the investigations that need done, to begin to get a handle on this crazy spending the Democrats have given us, to deal with energy, the border, all those issues we have to deal with. [01:05:52][33.5]

STARNES: [01:05:52] Yeah, look, I mean, with what’s happening in the Senate today, we’re waiting on this vote for the the Disrespect for Marriage Act. I think that has to go back to the House. That’s some scary stuff because it’s going to put a bull’s eye on every Christian church in America. You’ve got the Catholics, the evangelicals. Everybody’s fighting against this thing. And, you know, it could come down to whatever happens in the House of Representatives. [01:06:16][23.6]

JORDAN: [01:06:18] Well, and it comes on the heels. It’s how serious this is. It comes on the heels of the Justice Department, again, unequal treatment under the law. The Justice Department going after pro-life activists. They kick in the door of the pro-life leader outside of Philadelphia, arrest him in front of his wife and seven children for something the local judge and local law enforcement said wasn’t a crime. U.S. attorney has the FBI kick his door in? Like what is going on here? So you couple that together in the attack on people that have a different political belief or different religious focus than the conventional wisdom in power. It’s just scary stuff. And again, it goes back to this, I think the overriding issue that is of such concern to us in the Judiciary Committee is the political nature of our Justice Department today. [01:07:08][50.5]

STARNES: [01:07:09] It’s terrifying. And again, you know, going back to what we still don’t know about what happened on January 6, we now know that there were a number of FBI agents and informants involved in the planning and the execution of whatever happened. And, you know, my question, I’d love for you to ask this. Why didn’t the FBI intervene and stop the attack on the Capitol? [01:07:33][23.9]

JORDAN: [01:07:34] Yeah, well, look, we know that there was all kinds of undercover agents and informants involved in the situation in Michigan. Another concern we have, we know that Timothy Thibault, because of a whistleblower who went to Senator Grassley, Timothy Thibault was involved in suppressing evidence about the Hunter Biden story. And on and on it goes and our Justice Department, issue after issue, incident after incident. And that is what I think is, as you said, just frightening. [01:08:05][31.6]

STARNES: [01:08:06] All right, Congressman, we’re going to leave it there. Look forward to many conversations down the road. And I look forward to getting to the bottom of a lot of this weaponization of the DOJ. Thank you, sir. [01:08:16][9.9]

JORDAN: [01:08:17] You bet. Thank you, Todd. Take care brother. [01:08:18][1.2]

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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