This State’s Bill Deems Drag Shows as Adult-Oriented Business

EDITOR’S NOTE: Todd Starnes owns one of the top conservative radio stations in the nation. Click here to download his free app so you can listen to conservative news and talk 24-7.

On Monday, The Hill reported that a bill filed in the Arkansas Senate deems drag performances as an adult-oriented business and places restrictions on where such performances could take place.

Should drag shows be adult-only?

Senate Bill 43, sponsored by Arkansas Republican Sen. Gary Stubblefield and Rep. Mary Bentley, will add a “drag performance” to the list of adult-oriented businesses in the state’s code.

The bill defines a drag performance as one where a performer “exhibits a gender identity that is different from the performer’s gender assigned at birth using clothing, makeup, or other accessories that are traditionally worn by members of and are meant to exaggerate the gender identity of the performer’s opposite sex.”

The bill also outlines that a performer is someone who intends “to appeal to the prurient interests.” Prurient is defined by Webster’s New World College Dictionary as “having or expressing lustful ideas or desires,” or “tending to excite lust; lascivious; lewd.”

The other key part of the bill states that no adult-oriented business may be located where a minor can view it or on public property.

The bill was directed to the City, County & Local Affairs Committee after its introduction on Monday. Read more at Newsmax.

A NOTE FROM TODD: I want to invite you to join me on a inaugural trip to the Holy Land. Stand With Israel in November 2023. We will tour iconic Holy Land sites along with exclusive meetings with Israeli government leaders. More information is on my website,

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