The Path For Michelle Obama to Enter the Presidential Race

The following is a partial transcript from my radio show. Listen to the entire monologue above. President Trump wrote the introduction to Todd’s new book. Click here to pre-order a copy of “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved?”

I’ve been telling you that eventually the mainstream media would turn on Joe Biden. There would be a moment in time that the media would be given marching orders and they would be told, ‘Now is the time to turn your wrath on the Big Guy. We all know that Barack Hussein Obama and his team, Susan Rice, they are the ones that are pulling the strings of the administration here.

And there was a lot of talk, a lot of scuttle-butt. And I’ve been speaking to some of our sources in Washington, D.C., and there was a lot of scuttle-butt over the past, I would say seven or eight months now that that Joe Biden should consider stepping down. And it really had nothing to do with the fact that he’s a senile old man who falls asleep in his porridge, that it had nothing to do with that. It had everything to do with the Democrat Party and the power they have in our nation’s capital and the powers that be.

Barack Obama.

He understood that the bigger threat was not Joe Biden’s senility. It was the fact that Joe Biden was heading up a criminal enterprise. And there was a lot of concern that if the stories started leaking out about Hunter Biden, that that it could jeopardize the Democrats, go back to the 2020 presidential election when there was a deep state effort to silence any reporters who dared talk about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Right? We now know that that all happened, that there were calls made that that the social media giants actually they sequestered that story and they were told to do that.

But there was a survey after all of it started coming out and a majority of Americans said had they known about the Hunter Biden laptop before they went to the ballot box, they would have voted for Donald Trump. So the Democrats have known for a very long time just how dangerous politically that Hunter Biden laptop story was.

If it leaked out that Joe Biden was actually getting money while putting America in danger. He was filling up his own coffers with money from China and Ukraine while putting American lives in danger. He was allowing a Chinese spy balloon to traverse the continental United States and take pictures of our sensitive military installations without shooting it down. That if they knew the reason why, that it would destroy the Democrat Party.

And so part of this is behind the scenes encouraging Joe to step down and to step aside. But clearly, those conversations have not worked. And so Barack Obama is playing hardball now. And so it begins.

Now, we have seen this play out with CNN over the past couple of weeks now, where they’ve been they’ve been launching stories, reporting stories that have really, really reflected negatively on Joe Biden and his administration. And we’re going to play some of that audio in just a little while. But it’s getting ugly out there for Joe Biden and it’s going to get uglier.

And just to give you an example of that today and The Washington Post, David Ignatius, who is the probably one of the most liberal columnists in America, he’s a writer for The Washington Post, and he said it’s time for Joe Biden to step down. And just in case Joe Biden and AP, just in case they didn’t catch the subtlety of what Ignatius was saying, this is the actual headline of the column. President Biden should not run again in 2024. Now, Ignatius is rather gracious here. He starts his column with what he believes to be some of the successes of the Biden administration. And I’m sorry, but getting up and putting your pants on in the morning does not count as a success in my book. But, you know, whatever.

Now, I will say this many Republicans out there, you’re probably saying, oh, this is a great day. You’re dancing in the streets and you’re celebrating. You’re kissing your wife, you’re hugging the dog, and you’re saying the dark winter is about to become morning in America again. Well, not so fast. Because if it’s not going to be Biden in 2024, or who is it going to be? I do not believe it’s going to be Gavin Newsom. And the reason for that is very simple. He is a white guy. He is a rich white guy. He is a rich, white heterosexual guy. I mean, it’s just like strike three. You’re out of here, pal. I mean, maybe if he was gay or a little bit bi I guess maybe he could, like, slip in. Maybe. I mean, maybe you could you could convince the people that you are you know, you’re a bisexual, mostly straight, white, rich white guy. I don’t think that’s going to move the needle for this progressive, radical progressive Democrat Party. So I don’t think it’s going to be him.

So, ladies and gentlemen, it keeps coming back to one person. There’s only one person who can move that needle, and that one person is Mik-Michelle Obama. My apologies. It’s Michelle Obama. I keep coming back it to this one point. She is the one person who can rally and energize and get out the vote. And by the way, she’s been doing a lot of things that candidates should be doing at this point. Going out there and meeting with big dollar donors. Distancing herself from her husband. She’s been making all the right moves. The moves that would lead one to believe that she may be getting ready to throw her hat into the ring.

So, we shall see. But I do believe, ladies and gentlemen, that Michelle Obama is going to be the nominee. And if that happens. Republicans are going to have to get ready for a war. I mean, really. It’s going to take every single Republican and independent vote to get Donald Trump across the finish line if it’s Michelle Hussein Obama. Because she will be a formidable foe out on the campaign trail.

But Todd. But Todd, she’s got no experience. Doesn’t matter. Democrat Party’s all about skin color. It doesn’t matter. And that one thing will drive people to the polls in numbers that you have never seen before in American history. You mark my words on this. Go ahead. Write it down, 12:16 p.m. Eastern Time. You mark my words on this. If she jumps into the race, she could very well win and it could be very ugly for America.

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