Starnes: GOP Needs to Unite on THIS Issue

National radio host Todd Starnes is calling on all Republican candidates to rally behind one issue heading into the midterms.

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“It seems to me at this point that there really needs to be a united front here among all the candidates,” Starnes said. “If you’re running on the Republican ticket, if it’s at the national, state, or local level, it needs to be about crime, crime, crime.”

Should Republicans focus on crime more?

Starnes, who lives and works in Memphis, Tennesee, brought up the current murders and shootings happening in the city, under the Republican Governor. Starnes said if the Republicans want to win this November, they need to be talking about what is on the hearts and the minds of the American people.

“We’ve got those kinds of murders happening every day in Memphis. So this is nothing new for us. But if the Republicans cannot win the hearts and the minds, they are not going to do well and they’re going to have trouble retaking the House of Representatives,” he said. “The Senate may be completely out of reach if they do not mobilize around the issues that people are talking about at the diners and around the dinner table.”

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Starnes continued saying the GOP is out of touch with the American people, but so are the Democrats. The only reason Democrats have more money to spend is that Americans spend more money at these places that support the Left.

“All these conservatives, we go to Disneyworld. And what is Disneyworld do with our money? They turn it around and they fund it. These left-wing activists. We do the same thing when we go to the movies when we buy the music, we’re funding all of this stuff. And that’s why the Democrats do have all of this money. And they’re very effective. The Democrats understand the base of their party and the base of their party are radical progressives, and they got a load of cash to spend.”

Listen to the full conversation here:

The following is a rush transcript from the Todd Starnes Show which airs daily from noon to 3:00 p.m. EST.

MARY WALTER: [00:06:23] But first, the man himself, the man for whom this show is named Todd Starnes, is on the line tonight. Hi. Well, welcome to your own show. [00:06:32][8.4]

TODD STARNES: [00:06:33] It’s great to be on my show, Mary Walters. And greetings from Interstate 20, somewhere in Mississippi. [00:06:39][5.6]

MARY WALTER: [00:06:41] Do I even ask did someone send you out on an errand and you just decided not to come back? What? [00:06:46][5.2]

TODD STARNES: [00:06:47] Right? Yeah. No. So it’s sort of crazy. And you know how it is this time of year speaking engagement season. And so I’m speaking at a dinner tonight in Atlanta for the Faith and Freedom Coalition and will probably end up meeting a lot of our listeners from WVON tonight. And then on Thursday, I’m speaking at the Family Research Council big national convention, which is meeting in Atlanta as well. So I’ll actually be broadcasting the show tomorrow and Wednesday from Atlanta. But today’s a travel day and I’ve had a lot of fun listening to you so far. Great job. [00:07:25][37.7]

MARY WALTER: [00:07:26] Well, thank you. We’ve just started, but there’s plenty of time for me to trip and wind up in front of the door splayed out before the end of the show. So there’s always time for that. So tell us, can you just tell us a little bit about the faith and freedom event that you’re going to tonight? [00:07:41][14.7]

TODD STARNES: [00:07:42] Sure. This is the organization that was founded by Ralph Reed, who created the original Christian Coalition back in the day. And they have been very instrumental in getting President Trump elected. As a matter of fact, in the last election cycle, they registered more people to vote than the entire Republican Party did. So these folks are really grass roots. They’re boots on the ground. And of course, this is the Georgia chapter that I’m going to be speaking to. And they are knee-deep right now. You mentioned the polling data out there. There are a couple of major races are looking at the governor’s race where Brian Kemp going up against Stacey Abrams and also another big race is the U.S. Senate race, Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker. And the polling data has actually now has Herschel Walker moving ahead of Raphael Warnock in that race. Again, I’m with you. I don’t put too much stock in the polls, but it does give you a sort of a good whether, you know, sort of a barometer of maybe what voters are thinking and where they are at that moment in time. [00:08:50][67.4]

MARY WALTER: [00:08:51] Yes. So let’s talk a little bit about that. I’m going to I want to I’m going to ask Congressman Ralph Norman about this a little bit later. But since we’re talking about the polls here, you know, this race in Arizona with Blake Masters, where he’s polling 45 to 47% behind Mark Kelly. But the Cook Political Report has labeled the race a tossup. So it says to me that Cook thinks that there’s a chance that Blake Masters could win this. Yet the GOP has pulled their ad buys for Masters in Arizona for the month of August. Why does the GOP do that so often to candidates? The Democrats will be pouring more money in and the Republicans are like, Oh yeah, well, we don’t have a lot of money, so we’re going to take the money away from you and just give up. They just walk away. [00:09:34][43.2]

TODD STARNES: [00:09:36] Yeah, that’s a big issue. And we saw them do the same thing a couple of weeks ago was a big story where they pulled some funding out of advertising money out of Georgia and Pennsylvania, a couple of other battleground states, I believe Wisconsin too. And it’s a head-scratcher and it tells me that the Republicans don’t have a lot of money on hand. Pardon me while I just hit the emergency lane there. Oh, God. I was merging into traffic, so I just don’t think they’ve got the money and the resources that the Democrats have. That question was actually asked over the weekend of Rick Scott. Where is all the money? What have you guys been doing with the money? Yeah, and we’ve been asking that question on the local level too Mary. [00:09:17][-19.6]

MARY WALTER: [00:10:22] This is why. And I said this to, I believe, on your show a couple of weeks ago to one of the congressmen that you had on the show. And I said, you know, this is why I don’t give to the Republican Party. First of all, I’m not a registered Republican. That’s number one. But number two, my husband and I donated once to Mitt Romney when he was running against Barack Obama. And I got more mail back asking me for more money than I sent you. You know, they wasted the money on emailing me or sending me actual mail asking me for more money than I actually sent them. Why would I want to do that? You know, I get that. That’s like, oh, we’ve got it. We’ve got a donor on the line. We’re going to keep asking. But after a while you have to look at, are you wasting the money? I just I’m with you. I don’t understand where this money is, is going. And I think that’s a question that needs to be answered. And the other thing, at least from my perspective, is I think that people don’t want to donate to losers. I don’t want to donate money to a group of people who just throw the towel and go, well, we’re not going to win this race anyway. So we’re out. We’re just going to pull the money from someone who can win and they just walk away. Why do I want to support that? [00:11:30][68.1]

TODD STARNES: [00:11:32] You know, Mary, it seems to me at this point that there really needs to be a united front here among all the candidates. If you’re running on the Republican ticket, if it’s at the national, state or local level, it needs to be about crime. Crime. crime. [00:11:48][15.6]

MARY WALTER: [00:11:48] Yes. [00:11:48][0.0]

TODD STARNES: [00:11:49] This is the issue that is resonating with people. And, of course, you know, our show originates from Memphis, Tennessee. We’ve been on the national news for two weeks. Yeah, I know. That’s a shocker. But honestly, the reason I mean, we’ve got those kinds of murders happening every day in Memphis. So this is nothing new for us. But if the Republicans cannot win the hearts and the minds, they are not going to do well and they’re going to have trouble retaking the House of Representatives. The Senate may be completely out of reach if they do not mobilize around the issues that people are talking about at the diners and around the dinner table. [00:12:26][37.1]

MARY WALTER: [00:12:28] And that’s to Blake Master’s point here that I was talking about is that he says that the GOP is out of touch. Would you do me a favor Todd? Could you run the GOP? Because I think you could do such a better job than Mitch McConnell. Seriously, you’re out here. You talk to the people, you’re out among them. You put your finger on it. It’s they don’t know what is happening and what is important to us. They’ve lost touch with us. And that’s really dangerous. That’s a losing strategy. [00:12:47][19.4]

TODD STARNES: [00:12:55] Mary, I can tell you personally, Todd Starnes, who is a strong supporter of the Second Amendment, I’ve actually had to go out of my way to get gas in a safer part of town. I don’t drive on the interstate I-240 because there are so many concerns about people getting shot, you know, with the snipers on the interstate. And these are average Americans. We’re all having to deal with these kinds of issues. It is not right. And for the politicians, for the lawmakers to completely ignore this. For example, the governor of Tennessee, Bill Lee, a Republican, he’s a soft-on-crime guy. That’s not going to resonate and that is not going to inspire Republicans to get their butts out and go vote on Election Day. And that’s what we’ve got to do. [00:13:30][34.7]

MARY WALTER: [00:13:40] Exactly. That is so true. And I look at this and I know I’ll let you go because I know you’re driving and you shouldn’t talk and drive at the same time. Just very quickly. The Democrats are also very out of touch. So why do they have money? [00:13:50][10.1]

TODD STARNES: [00:13:53] Well, that’s you know why? Because we give it to them. All these conservatives, we go to Disneyworld. And what is Disneyworld do with our money? They turn it around and they fund it. These left-wing activists. We do the same thing when we go to the movies when we buy the music, we’re funding all of this stuff. And that’s why the Democrats do have all of this money. And they’re very effective. The Democrats understand the base of their party and the base of their party are radical progressives, and they got a load of cash to spend. [00:14:22][28.7]

MARY WALTER: [00:14:23] Interesting, because they usually don’t work. So that’s interesting that they have so much money. Oh, Todd, have a wonderful, safe trip. Good luck tonight with your speech. I’m sure you’re going to do wonderful and be very inspiring when you speak to our friends in Georgia. Thank you so much for joining me. I love when you call. This is the first time you’ve ever called in when I filled in for you. I love this. We should do this more often. [00:14:48][24.5]

TODD STARNES: [00:14:49] The show sounds great, by the way. I’m driving through Tupelo right now, so a shout out to the king of rock n roll. [00:14:54][5.0]

MARY WALTER: [00:14:55] There you go. All right. Thank you so much, Todd. Have a safe trip and we look forward to you coming back. [00:15:01][5.5]

TODD STARNES: [00:15:02] Thanks, Mary. [00:15:02][0.3]


  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes