Former President Barack Obama released a lengthy statement about how his life was shaped by books written by gay and transgender authors.
The Democrat president made the admission in a letter to librarians Monday morning.
“Today, some of the books that shaped my life — and the lives of so many others — are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives,” Obama said. “It’s no coincidence that these ‘banned books’ are often written by or feature people of color, indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community…”
Obama seems to be referencing the pushback from parents at school boards about the Left’s attempts to sexualize children with books that contain or reference pornography.
National radio host Todd Starnes summed up Obama’s letter in a tweet:
“Obama: Your children should have access to gay porn in their school libraries,” Starnes tweeted.
Dinesh D’Souza and others questioned what the first president to flip-flop on gay marriage meant.
“Your life was shaped by books about how to suck another man’s private parts and how to insert various household objects into your rear end?” D’Souza asked. “Do elaborate!”
Anti-Communist activist Xi Van Fleet tweeted images of books containing pornography that parents have been outraged were in school libraries.
“You mean that your life was shaped by books like these?” she asked Obama. “No wonder our country is in such deep trouble!”