Radical Democrats are pushing to make taxpayers fund abortions and defund the police in Kansas, the first state to vote on a constitutional amendment since Roe v. Wade was overturned.
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Peter Northcott, Kansans for Life executive director, told the Todd Starnes Show citizens in his state will have to pay for abortion up to the point of birth if the amendment doesn’t pass.
“We know that the radical left has been assaulting police,” Northcott said. “But it’s very interesting here in Kansas, not only are they pushing for abortions up to the moment of birth, but they’re also pushing for a defunding of police and, you know, mixing those two very, very extreme positions.”
Northcott encourages Kansans to vote yes on the “Value Them Both” amendment on Tuesday, Aug. 2.
Below is a rushed transcript from the Todd Starnes Show, which airs nationwide noon to 3 p.m. EST daily:
STARNES: [01:00:20] All right. Big doings in the nation’s heartland. Kansas is going to be the first state in the nation to set a vote on abortion. That vote is set for August 2nd. Kansas is heading to the polls to decide whether the state’s constitution protects the right to abortion. It will be the first such constitutional amendment to be determined since Roe v Wade got overturned. I want to go to the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line we’re honored to have with us for from Kansans for Life, peter Northcott. Peter Hope you’re doing well today. [01:00:54][34.3]
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NORTHCOTT: [01:00:56] Todd Yes. Thank you so much for having me on. [01:00:57][1.6]
STARNES: [01:00:58] All right. Peter So I’m curious about the scuttlebutt. I know folks have been out there on both sides of the issue. What are you guys hearing from folks there in Kansas? [01:01:07][8.7]
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NORTHCOTT: [01:01:09] Yes. So, Todd are going to Kansas. As you mentioned, we are going to have the first ballot test in America since the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe versus Wade ends the Jackson’s. And unlike other states, with the overturning Roe versus Wade, states now have the ability to come to consensus when it comes to abortion limits. But not in Kansas. The radical left had targeted our state in 2019, presumably knowing that Roe versus Wade was going to be overturned and they worked through a radical judiciary to assert a nearly unlimited right to abortion in our state constitution. And so there are many opinions on the issue of abortion. But our judiciary chose to take the most extreme possible position, which is to presume every single pro-life law on the books is unconstitutional. So literally, we are heading towards abortions up to the moment of birth, paid for with tax dollars. And so our state in a response has put a referendum or a constitutional amendment on the ballot, which will be voted on August 2nd, next week. That would simply say the people are allowed to have a voice in this process and to be able to come to a consensus on this very controversial topic. And so the radical left has been funding a massive campaign against our efforts of outright lying. The radical left has actually met with the Biden White House and members of the coalition opposing our constitutional amendment called the values. And both amendments have gone so far as to say that they want to fund abortion and not cuts. So the very fitting that you’re talking today about the shooting in Dallas. We know that the radical left has been assaulting police. But it’s very interesting here in Kansas, not only are they pushing for abortions up to the moment of birth, but they’re also pushing for a defunding of police and, you know, mixing those those two very, very extreme positions. [01:03:05][116.5]
STARNES: [01:03:06] I’m confused here. So so you’re saying that the other side is also interested in defunding police? [01:03:12][6.1]
NORTHCOTT: [01:03:14] Yes. The coalition opposing our ballot initiative, they’ve put out papers for years now. They are position papers that say that they should fund abortions and to do that. And one of the ways that they can get more revenue is to defund police. And as the son of somebody that’s been in law enforcement for over 45 years, I understand that the day in, day out grind that they’re facing on a daily basis, and to have these organizations come in and simply say that, you know, their work isn’t worth anything and we need to take that money and those resources and fund abortions up to the moment of birth is just unconscionable. And especially in a place like Kansas, where the heart of America. [01:03:53][39.0]
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STARNES: [01:03:54] I also understand that some of the opponents actually want to pit young girls against their their parents on this issue. [01:04:02][7.6]
NORTHCOTT: [01:04:03] Yes. So the organization in question is called Kansans for Constitutional Freedom. Again, their campaign surrogates are the ones that met with the Biden White House here recently to talk about this ballot referendum. They support net zero limits on abortion whatsoever. And that’s what they want to utilize Kansas as the destination for unlimited abortion. So they want taxpayer funded abortions up to the moment of birth. They even don’t even oppose the parental notification. So they believe that a 14 year old girl could be dropped off at an abortion clinic and have an abortion performed on her without her parent’s knowledge. So we’re raising the alarm bells in Kansas to let in nationwide to know that Kansas really is the center of the radical war on America when it comes to the most extreme positions. And we’re encouraging Kansans to get out and vote on August 2nd to support the values of both amendment with their yes vote. It’s also raised awareness around the country that, you know, this issue now is going to be fought on a state-by-state level. And so keep a close eye on what the radical left is doing. Again, they support unlimited abortion and they are now wanting to defund our police to get there. [01:05:17][74.3]
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STARNES: [01:05:18] All right. And Peter and again, Peter Northcott on the Patriot Mobile Newsmaker Line Kansans for Life. Peter, A, what are what are your boots on the ground telling you? How is that how do you think those votes are going to go? [01:05:30][11.4]
NORTHCOTT: [01:05:31] Yes. So we have launched the largest grassroots mobilization in our in our state’s history. We are going door to door, church to church, neighborhood to neighborhood. And we are working to overcome the flat out lies that are being spewed by the abortion industry. So right now, there has been some public polling that has been released showing that the yes side has a four point. Bandage, which means it is very, very close. And we’re having to sustain this onslaught of the radical left, you know, through television commercials, even our complacent media trying to spin the fact they’re trying to light a candle and say that and say that the values and both women that banned all abortions, the value of the birth amendment does not mean abortion. It does ban taxpayer-funded abortions and allows our state to have limits on abortion. But that is the lie that they’re that they are spreading. So this is a battle that is going to be down to the wire here. And we are working diligently every single day to get Kansas to get out and vote yes. So we feel that we are in a good position to get our people to the polls, but we are going to have to continue to push every single day until the polls close at 7:00 on August 2nd to ensure that. All right. Can have at least some of that good stuff. [01:06:47][75.7]
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STARNES: [01:06:47] All right, Peter, got to leave it there. Good luck to you. And I know the rest of the country is going to be paying very close attention to what you guys are doing. Thanks for coming on the program. [01:06:56][8.7]
NORTHCOTT: [01:06:57] All right. Thank you so much, Todd. Appreciate it. [01:06:59][1.5]
STARNES: [01:06:59] All right. Peter Northcott from Kansans for Life. [01:07:03][4.2]
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