President Biden almost started a holy war at the White House Monday night during a Muslim event, according to national radio host Todd Starnes.
He recognized Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) by saying, “God love ya, I’m not supposed…I’ll get in trouble for saying this, but you look beautiful tonight.”
Starnes pointed out Biden should’ve said “Allah” at the event celebrating the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
“Is the president trying to start a holy war at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue?” Starnes asked.
The Democrat president forgot to mention a Muslim federal judge in the audience, so someone yelled to Biden to recognize them.
“Hey, judge, how are you? I don’t know why you wanted the job, man,” Biden began. “I appoint all those federal judges, but, you know, thank you for serving. I’m not kidding.”
Biden added, “You wanna come and make a speech? Hush up, boy!”
Starnes pointed out, “Biden learned how to say, ‘hush up, boy’ during those lunches with the segregationists back in the day.”
Then Biden tweeted, “Muslim culture has been woven throughout American culture from the very start.”
The president was met with backlash from both sides of the aisle.
“You must be referring to the First Barbary War in 1805, famous for the birth of the United States Marine and “the shores of Tripoli,” where America fought vicious Muslim pirates and slave-traders,” one man tweeted.
A Muslim fitness coach who helps men lose fat tweeted, “Your administration is the spearhead of anti-Muslim rhetoric and action. You are not our ally. You’re just trying to secure your election, and we see right through you.”
He added, “Also, how about the Muslims you’ve killed as a result of your military operations in countries far from yours?”