
Gold Star Mom Weeps Over Kaepernick’s Hatred of American Flag

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TODD: All right. Let’s get right to the phone lines. Martinsburg, West Virginia. Virginia is listening to us on Sirius XM Channel 450. Hi, Virginia. What’s on your mind today.

VIRGINIA: I’m just calling to say that I’ll be in D.C. marching with the Gold Star mothers who are proud that their sons and daughters have served. And I am proud of what Trump is doing. But what the Democrats are doing – it’s appalling because it’s sending a message to the world – it’s sending a message to young Americans who are deceived by what the Liberals are teaching them in school about America doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter about history because I know they they’re not teach in that it’s because I asked my grandson who was in high school he didn’t even know that he Betsy Ross was. Nike should be ashamed ashamed. They are selling America. They’re selling America to the Communists. It seems like it.

VIRGINIA: I’m proud to be a Gold Star Mother. I’m proud of my son. He died for our country. He loved this country.

TODD: Now, Virginia I want you to tell me about about your son. What branch of the military did he serve in.

VIRGINIA: (Bradley) served six years in the Marines and then he served the rest of the years in the Army. He got out of the Marines right before 9/11. And when that happened he joined into the Army and he was in the special force that he did very well. Everyone loved him. He was proud. It was something he wanted to do since he was in grade school. Honestly he was so impressed with the soldiers.

TODD: So you’re saying that Bradley was already out of the military but when 9/11 happened he he reenlisted.


TODD: Wow Well what. What a what a proud mom you must be and what a great patriot Bradley was.

VIRGINIA: Yes, he was.

TODD: And and here we have Colin Kaepernick and really others in the mainstream media attacking the flag.

VIRGINA: It breaks my heart. It breaks my heart.

TODD: We can’t even imagine what you and your family went through. But I want you to know something = that this audience listening right now – if you could just imagine. I know you’re there in Martinsburg, West Virginia but there are people all over this country that are there giving you a great, big hug right now. And I want you to know that. That we honor Bradley and his service to this country the ultimate sacrifice he paid and we honor you and your family. And we salute you Virginia. And I just want to say God bless you. And we’ll be thinking about you as you are marching in Washington D.C. as a Gold Star mom. All right. God bless. God bless you Virginia.

TODD: That’s what this show is really all about. Here folks. People like Virginia a Gold Star mom. Her son gave his life fighting for that flag and then to have someone like Colin Kaepernick or a company like Nike to come out and disrespect  The flag and to say that flag is a hate symbol. How do you think that makes people like Virginia feel. How do you think that makes other Gold Star moms across this country feel. I mean that’s pretty pathetic, pretty pathetic. So Virginia we stand alongside you.


TODD: Let’s get to the phone lines. Connor, in Boston, welcome to the program.

CONNOR: So I want to talk about this whole situation with this previous caller Virginia and her son Bradley. I was just so moved by that call because they’re just amazing folks. I mean some amazing people and somebody like that – a Gold Star family – like that has more patriotism inside one fiber of themselves than Obama does in this whole body. Those are the folks we should be saluting. When you have folks like Colin Kaepernick – folks on the left who just want to divide this country. Independence Day should be about America and the folks that helped us make America the way it is and help us achieve America the way it is as well. And shame on Colin Kaepernick. We just have to honor folks like that previous caller. They’re just beautiful people, honestly.

  • The Todd Starnes Podcast
  • Todd Starnes
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