
Facebook Targets Pastor’s Pro-Life Message to Cuomo

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It appears Facebook has a problem with pro-life pastors.

Last week New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that would allow women to abort their babies even up to birth. The outrage and horror among Christians across the nation has been staggering.

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How could Democrats, especially those who profess to be Christians, support politicians who want to kill babies when the mother is in labor?

Tim Mercaldo, the senior pastor of Gateway Church in Staten Island, wrote an open letter on his Facebook page urging the governor to reconsider.

“I have been a proud New Yorker all my life. This decision has left me not only grieved but ashamed. Please affirm and protect all human life, whether in.the womb or near the tomb,” he wrote.

Thank goodness there are pastors in New York who are not ashamed of standing up for the unborn and who are bold enough to speak truth to power!

However, the pastor’s message was promptly targeted because it violated Facebook’s community standards. The pastor has tried numerous times over the past few days to re-post the message – but the Facebook Overlords continue to thwart his efforts.

Apparently, killing a baby just before he or she is born does not violate Facebook’s community standards.


Following is the letter Pastor Mercaldo wanted to post. I would urge all of you to share this story!

Dear Mr. Cuomo,

I am deeply grieved and shocked by your decision to support and initiate the lifting of restrictions on abortions in the third trimester of pregnancy. My perplexity is rooted in your disregard for the human being in the mother’s womb. This is, by all accepted biological scientific evidence and ethical understanding, a “human body” and “human being” deserving protection. This “child within” is the most vulnerable member of our society.

Yes, every person has a right to do whatever they see fit with their individual body, but not when it ill affects another person’s body. (especially their viability). The termination of a fetus’ life is not, nor can ever, be the “right” of a mother, or any person(s) for that matter. This is not a political nor religious matter relegated to “left/liberal” or “right/conservative” debate. It is a human right, which is why I chose such as the subject banner.

Please reconsider, Mr. Cuomo. I have been a proud New Yorker all my life. This decision has left me not only grieved but ashamed. Please affirm and protect all human life, whether in.the womb or near the tomb.

Thank you for reading my appeal. I am only one voice in an increasing wilderness of disregard for the pre-born baby. I know I represent millions in NY who think and feel the same way. Yet, whether some, all or none ascribe to what I have written, it is the truth objectively and I will continue to be a voice for those who cannot speak and defend themselves.

I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this further in the hope that you would be open to the above. I would meet with the same openness to hear your reasoning. Much is at stake for the individuals involved, and that is perhaps the understatement of our time.


Timothy James Mercaldo

Here is the web address where you can communicate with the Governor. Please take a few minutes to make your voice heard for those who have NO voice.

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