Biden Mocks, Makes Faces At Reporters Shouting Questions

President Biden mocked and made faces at reporters asking him questions while meeting with another world leader.

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Reporters were reportedly asking about inflation during his meeting with Israeli President Isaac Herzog Wednesday.

Biden appeared to make faces, imitate the reporters by mouthing back at them, and even slap his knee while laughing at the press.

The president has become increasingly hostile to the journalists and has been particularly distant with reporters leading up to the November midterm elections.

Bloomberg reporter Nancy Cook blasted the Whitehouse on Twitter saying Biden aids have been screaming at the press for trying to ask the president questions.

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“The Biden WH seems *particularly intent* on the press not asking any [questions] of POTUS 14 days out from the midterms, w/WH aides screaming in the faces of reporters who try to ask Biden q’s following each event today,” she wrote.

These incidences are not isolated. The president has a history of being hostile to the reporters, despite the press covering him much more favorably than his predecessor.

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The president was recently caught on video yelling in a female reporter’s face and calling her “kid.”

Back in January, Biden called Fox News’s Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a b–ch” for asking a simple question regarding inflation.

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