STARNES: Fetterman Should be In Rehab, Not the U.S. Senate

The following is a transcript of Todd’s morning commentary – heard daily on hundreds of radio stations around the nation.

Hello Americans, I’m Todd Starnes. Stand by for news and commentary next. 

That Pennsylvania U.S. Senate debate was off-the-charts insane.

Is Fetterman capable of being a U.S. Senator?

Dr. Mehmet Oz and Lt. Governor John Fetterman.

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Fetterman is still recovering from a stroke and it was painfully clear within seconds that he remains incapacitated. 

He literally opened the debate by ending the debate and wishing people a good night. 

Most of the answers he delivered were nothing but gibberish. 

He made President Biden sound as eloquent as Ronald Reagan. 

This man had no business on that debate stage and there is no way he is qualified to serve in the U.S. Senate. 

In the span of one sentence he said he was for fracking and then he was against fracking and concluded by saying he supported fracking. 

This man should be in a stroke rehabilitation center, not on the campaign trail. 

But if you’re looking for a villain in this sad, sad story, it’s not John Fetterman. It’s his wife. 

The working theory is that if Fetterman wins, he will step down citing health concerns and his wife would be named as his replacement.

During a visit to Pittsburgh last week, President Biden said that Gisele, who is not seeking elected office, is “gonna be a great, great lady in the Senate.”

As Fox News reported:

Rolling Stone reporter Kara Voght tweeted and deleted a post calling Gisele the “de facto candidate” for her husband’s U.S. Senate campaign. Voght’s updated tweet changed the description of Mrs. Fetterman from “de facto candidate” to “key surrogate for her husband” in his campaign, seemingly to downplay the impression that John Fetterman is incapable of leading the campaign.

Clearly, she is a cold, calculated woman who is more concerned about the advancement of her own political fortunes, instead of her husband’s health.

You need to read my latest book, Culture Jihad: How to Stop the Left From Killing A Nation. Click here to get a copy!

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