Newsmax Opposes Biden’s Vaxx Mandate: ‘Dangerous Overreach’

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President Joe Biden’s new OSHA rule requiring businesses to have their employees vaccinated against COVID is a dangerous overreach of federal power and opposed by Newsmax.

The new OSHA rule is set to go into effect Jan. 4, 2022. It will require businesses of 100 or more to have all employees fully vaccinated or undergo weekly testing.

Newsmax has no vaccine mandate nor do we require it for employment.

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We have informed our staff of the upcoming federal rule.

At the same time we have notified staff we will create an easy opt-out for any employee who does not want to be vaccinated.

Under the rule, any employee who is not vaccinated will be tested for COVID on a weekly basis.

Newsmax is going beyond the OSHA rule to provide free weekly testing on its company premises.

No Newsmax employee will be forced to receive the vaccine or be fired for not doing so. Read the full story at Newsmax.

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  • Todd Starnes