CNN’s Anderson Cooper pitched a hissy fit against President Trump for meeting with Diamond and Silk in February during a Black History Month celebration.
“The fact he focuses on his ratings during these press conferences is pathetic,” Cooper said during an on-air conversation with Jim (Little Jimmy) Acosta. They were dishing about CBS reporter Paula Reid’s crazed grilling of the president during a coronavirus briefing.
“It is fascinating, a lot of epidemiologists and others have talked about this lost month of February. The comments she was making and the direction she was going in was, ‘Okay, you bought time with this alleged travel ban from China, wasn’t really a ban, tens of thousands of people still came in on flights, but you allegedly bought some time. What did you do with that time in the month of February?’ And he couldn’t answer it because that’s a lost month because he was holding meetings with Diamond & Silk, if that’s what they’re called, and talking about magical disappearances in April.”
Does Cooper really believe that President Trump was distracted from handling the China Virus because he hosted black Americans in the White House?
“Anderson Cooper is probably upset because he wasn’t called to the White House,” Lynette Hardaway (Diamond) said during an appearance on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “He doesn’t have a seat at the table. That’s what he’s mad about. He’s politicizing a pandemic.”
Rochelle Richardson (Silk) said doesn’t understand why people like Cooper “have a problem with black people, especially Diamond and Silk being at the White House with the president.”
“You had black people living in the White House for eight years,” she said. “So what’s the big deal?”
The big deal is that insecure men like Anderson Cooper are afraid of strong, powerful women — especially women of color.
“They are intimidated by Diamond and Silk,” Hardaway said. “They are afraid of Diamond and Silk. We are truth-tellers. We are not talking heads. We are going to tell the truth about what we see. And throughout this whole pandemic we see a lot of things that don’t make sense.”
Now, some folks might accuse Anderson Cooper of being a bigot or a racist, but not me. It’s my impression that the CNN anchor is just a fussy, stuffed-shirt elitist. And worst of all — his television show is a snooze-fest.