The Washington National Cathedral has become the Sanctuary of Satan. Hello, everyone and welcome to the Golden Age of The Todd Starnes Show. Thank you for watching.

Earlier today the bishop at the National Cathedral called out President Trump to his face during a sermon at what was supposed to be a National prayer service.

“In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children in Democratic, Republican, and independent families — some who fear for their lives. The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shifts in hospitals — they may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, and temples.”

Mariann Edgar Budde is a lady bishop – or bishop-ette. She’s an Episcopalian – which these days – is barely a religion. I have a few questions about her lecture.

What about having mercy on those killed by the illegals. What about having mercy on the family of Laken Riley? What about having mercy on children who have been medically mutilated in the name of the rainbow flag?

By the way,, not a single evangelical Christian leader was invited to speak. Not a one. Anybody find that strange? And yet Bishop Budde – who openly called for Trump to be replaced – was behind the pulpit. Who made that decision? Who put Bishop Budde in the pulpit?

Franklin Graham blasted Bishop Budde during an interview on my national radio show earlier today.

“This whole national cathedral has been run for the last number of years by people I would call gay activists. And it’s unfortunate that our National Cathedral has fallen into their hands,” Graham said. “I was just surprised that the president even went down there. They should avoid that place at all costs. Because they don’t represent the churches of America.”

Tony Perkins, the president of Family Research Council, wrote on X: “The cause of America’s decline was not what was sitting in the pew but what was standing behind the pulpit. What we heard today was not a prophetic voice from the church, but rather pathetic.”

Today’s so-called prayer service stands in stark contrast to the president’s Inauguration. President Trump invoked God’s name a number of times during his remarks. He told the nation that he was saved by God for a purpose – to make America great again.

Now, I’m a Christian – go to church every day. I read my Bible and have a daily prayer time. But I’m not what you would call a professional theologian.

Some argue that God set things in motions and has been hands off in the affairs of man. But respectfully, I disagree. I believe that if God’s people will humble themselves and pray and seek His face – and if we turn from our wicked ways – I do believe He will hear our prayers.

And I believe that’s what happened in November. I believe God’s people turned from their wicked ways.

Is Donald Trump a perfect man? Absolutely not. And neither are we. But throughout time God has used imperfect men to accomplish his will.

And that’s why I, too, believe that God spared President Trump’s life. For such a time as this. That’s what we should be celebrating. That’s what we should be remembering.

Instead, the blasphemous bishop at National Cathedral preached hate from her pagan pulpit. And my recommendation is that any self-respecting Christian would do well to avoid ever stepping foot inside Satan’s house of worship.

Listen to my podcast below: