The Virginia Association of Realtors has ruled that a realtor and pastor violated its rules by posting Bible verses and a message from Franklin Graham.

Wilson Fauber, of Virginia, was found guilty of an ethics violation that bans realtors from certain religious expressions, CBN News reports.

The 70-year old bivocational pastor came under fire during a recent run for city council. He posted a Bible verse from the Old Testament about homosexuality. Two realtors, one of whom is gay, filed a complaint against the pastor – accusing him of posting hate speech.

Pastor Fauber told CBN News that the National Association of Realtors is woke.

“The leadership of the National Association of Realtors has made it very clear about their involvement in endorsing and approving of the LGBTQ community,” he said.

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Michael Sylvester, an attorney with the Founding Freedoms Law Center, is represent the pastor.

“So, it all changed in 2020 when the National Association of Realtors adopted a rule that prohibits anybody from speaking what they deem ‘hate speech’ against certain protected classes such as sexual orientation or gender identity. But what’s incredible here is the post that Wilson made was in 2015, five years before that rule even existed. He simply was presenting his religious views about marriage that should not qualify for a hate speech charge,” Sylvester told CBN News.

Pastor Fauber now faces a $15,000 fine and he could lose his license to sell real estate.

“Christians don’t have rights, and this is just totally wrong,” the pastor said. “And the National Association of Realtors being the largest trade organization in America, they have set a precedent by adopting this policy. If I’m guilty because I post my religious beliefs in a meme or a scripture on my Facebook or social media accounts, and if that’s guilty of hate speech… there are millions and millions of Christians that agree with my position, and we don’t have a voice.”

As I warned people in my new book, “Twilight’s Last Gleaming: Can America Be Saved,” the fight to protect Christians from the sex and gender revolutionaries continues in spite of President Trump’s victory. Click here to read my book.