A new pro-life film that tells the story of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson is facing massive backlash from Hollywood, the Mainstream Media and social media platforms.
“Unplanned” follows Johnson’s journey from a pro-choice advocate to an abortion critic.
The movie’s official Twitter account was briefly suspended on the day the film opened in theaters. No reason was given but after a tremendous uproar among pro-lifers, the account was later reinstated.
“It is a sad time we live in when corporations can remove individuals freedom of speech at will. When did we empower these corporations to have such authority? More importantly, why do we empower them to do so?” Cary Solomon, the co-writer and co-director of the film, said in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter.
The Mainstream Media has also been complicit in refusing to promote the pro-life movie. A number of television networks refused to broadcast paid commercials.
According to the Hollywood Reporter Lifetime, Hallmark Channel, HGTV, Food Network, Cooking Channel, The Travel Channel and NBC Universal rejected advertisements due to the “sensitive nature of the film.”
“We were looking to spend money, but they didn’t want to get involved,” Unplanned producer John Sullivan, told Hollywood Reporter.
It should be noted that Fox News Channel and the Todd Starnes Radio Show aired the movie’s advertisements.
BREAKING: The official Unplanned Movie account has been suspended by @Twitter on opening weekend.
This is unacceptable, @jack.
— Live Action (@LiveAction) March 30, 2019
Why did Jack and @Twitter suspend the @unplannedmovie account? They don’t want you to see this movie! Make your voices heard and tell your friends to go see the movie this weekend! #unplanned #unplannedmovie @_AshleyBratcher https://t.co/MzZbs2Oq3l
— Mike Lindell (@realMikeLindell) March 30, 2019
Trying to figure out why the @UnplannedMovie account has been suspended. ? We need answers. #unplannedmovie pic.twitter.com/rTIXVzHwI5
— Ashley Bratcher (@_AshleyBratcher) March 30, 2019
Thank you everyone for your support in letting @Jack & @Twitter know when our Unplanned Movie account was recently suspended without cause.
We are back and excited for the great response we’re getting in theaters this weekend.#grateful https://t.co/vTmhqoXIWm— UnplannedMovie (@UnplannedMovie) March 30, 2019