Robert Jeffress Warns Southern Baptist Leader Not to Waffle or Waver on Sexual Sin

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Reformation Charlotte published a scathing story about newly elected Southern Baptist Convention president Ed Litton. The story, titled, “Like Greear, New SBC President Says the Bible ‘Whispers’ About Homosexuality,” prompted outrage from Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas. Following is a rush transcript of Todd’s interview with Dr. Jeffress.

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JEFFRESS: [00:29:02] If this report is true, it is tremendously troubling. The article goes on to say that these two men talk about that homosexuality is not as serious of a sin as other sins in the Bible. Look, first of all, the comment is wrong when you go to Romans One. When Paul writes about the topic of homosexuality, he doesn’t use his whisper voice, he says, in fact, it is unlike any sin in in the universe, because it is not only the cause of God’s judgment, it is also the result of God’s judgment.

Paul said when people reject God, the truth about God, he gives them over to homosexuality, to what the Bible calls degrading passions, unnatural acts. So it is different. Of course, any sin, Todd, can be forgiven by Jesus Christ. But we cannot — absolutely cannot — diminish the seriousness of that sin.

But I’d also say if these comments from Ed Litton and J.D. Greer are true, they are very unloving comments as well. The most loving thing you can do with anybody is to tell them the truth. And I have many teenagers, young adults in my church. J.D. does in his — Ed does in his, whether they know it or not, who are struggling with this issue of sexuality and gender confusion.

And when a man of God stands up and stutters and waffles and wavers on this, he is giving indirect permission for people to enter a lifestyle that is degrading and destructive. That is an unloving thing to do. This is a time anybody who’s a minister of the Gospel, but especially somebody who is a leader of the largest Protestant denomination in the world, needs to speak with absolute clarity on this issue.

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