Church on the Beach in Los Angeles County may have one of the prettiest sanctuaries in the nation. They literally worship on the beach – in the sand. They’ve been doing that for 18 years with the permission of county leaders.
More than 100 folks attend services – a ministry outreach for Californians who might never step foot in a conventional church. But their days of worshipping on Redondo Beach may be coming to an end.
The Department of Beaches and Harbors says religious groups will only be allowed to host six activities per year on the public beaches. And they would have to pay a $250 fee.
The rules only apply to church groups.
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The American Center for Law and Justice is representing Church on the Beach and they say the government has broken the law.
“This case represents yet another troubling example of government entities attempting to push religious expression out of the public square. The First Amendment does not merely tolerate religious speech in public forums – it protects it,” the ACLJ said in a statement.
“When government officials try to relegate faith to the four walls of a building, they fundamentally misunderstand both our Constitution and the nature of religious liberty,” the law firm said in its statement. “For many in the Church on the Beach congregation, the outdoor setting itself is an integral part of their worship experience, especially for those who have had negative experiences in traditional churches.”
Los Angeles County has agreed to postpone the beach eviction notice until the courts can decide the matter. So, if you plan on attending a service be sure to bring your Bible — and some sunscreen.