Let me take just a moment to THANK those of you who have already stepped up to join my campaign to help feed some very needy kids with the help of our friends at the Christian non-profit international relief organization FOOD FOR THE POOR. In just two days on Monday and Tuesday, men and women just like you are already helping to fill the bellies of boys and girls who—through no fault of their own—were born into extreme poverty.
Throughout Latin America—but especially in EL SALVADOR—skyrocketing food prices …combined with limited job opportunities….are crushing families. Salvadoran children under 5 years of age face hunger, and an anemia rate of 25%. The ONLY opportunity they have for a healthy life is through lunches they get at SCHOOL…which is where YOU and I come in.
And to key into President Trump’s address last night, this is no US A.I.D.-type Federal bureaucracy…it is a 100% voluntary opportunity for you to be the hands and feet of Jesus helping the poorest-of-the-poor in our own hemisphere.
A $100, one-time gift provides life-altering nutrition for an ENTIRE YEAR for one child. Click here to donate.
In addition, the project supports hundreds of farmers and food-producers, and strengthens local food production so families can STAY in their native El Salvador rather than migrating to the U.S.
You can PHONE your generous gift to (855) 353-4673 or click here to donate online.
If you’re driving or just not online, you can just text the word TODD to 5-1-5-5-5 and we’ll send you back a link to join my campaign.