Homeschool Battle Takes Center Stage in ‘God’s Not Dead’ Film

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“God’s Not Dead: We The People” star Antonio Sabato, Jr. told the Todd Starnes Show it’s time for parents to rise up against big government control and indoctrination.

The fourth movie of the ultra-successful, faith-based franchise, is premeriring now in theaters through Oct. 6 as a Fathom Events film. Sabato is joined by David A.R. White, Francesca Battistelli, Judge Jeanine Pirro, and others.

“The movie is about a family that has been confronted. The government is pretty much telling them and dictating what they can teach their children,” Sabato, who plays father Mike McKinnon, said. “They take it all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. to fight this for their freedom and for their faith, and it’s an inspiring story.”

Starnes called the film a “for such a time as this” movie because of what is happening in the news as the Biden administration and the teachers’ unions become more hostile to private and homeschool education.

“It’s a tough time right now for Americans, but we got to rise up as Christians, as patriots,” Sabato told Starnes.

 “I’m very excited for you guys, and I think you’re right,” Starnes concluded. “It’s just, it’s a good movie and it’s got a great message and it’s something the entire family can watch.” Watch the preview below.


Below is a rushed transcript from Friday’s Todd Starnes Show interview with actor Antonio Sabato, Jr. on ‘God’s Not Dead: We The People’:

STARNES: Yesterday, folks up on Capitol Hill. President Biden’s education secretary said that parents should not be the primary stakeholder in their kid’s education. Two days ago in Virginia, during the gubernatorial debate, you had Terry McAuliffe. The Democrats say parents have no right to tell schools what to teach their children. And that is why we have seen a massive, massive number of families beginning to homeschool their kids. And that is it is ironic because it is that issue. The issue of home schooling and homeschooling come under attack is the focus of a brand new faith based film that hits theaters October 4th. It’s a three night nationwide Fathom Event, God’s Not Dead, We the people, one of the stars of this terrific film, which I’ve had a chance to view, is on the Patriot mobile newsmaker line right now. Antonio Sabato Jr. Antonio, good to have you with us.

SABATO: Hey, thank you very much for having me. This is a blessing being here with you. Thank you.

STARNES: You know, Antonio, you have to imagine it’s for such a time as this moment for this film coming out as millions of moms and dads are beginning to homeschool their kids.

SABATO: Yeah, it’s a tough time right now for Americans, but we got to rise up as Christians, as patriots. Our government is now running our lives. We have to stop right now and go, we are running them, they’re working for us. So. And this point on, I think things are going to change dramatically because we can’t let this so-called administration make any more moves on behalf of the American people. Because this administration, if you want to call it that because he’s not my president, my president is President Trump. But going back to that, whoever is in the White House right now is not making the right decisions for the American people, so they deserve better from both parties. Actually, I’m neither one of affiliated to any of the parties, but I’m an American and I care about our country. And you know, this movie that comes out on Monday, you know, God’s not dead. We the people is about freedom is about, you know, how how far are you willing to go to fight for your family, for the future of your children and this nation? And that that’s what it’s about right now. And that’s what we’re confronted as Christians and as Americans.

STARNES: Antonio, I want you to tell our listeners about this film. By the way, God’s Not Dead is the website if you want to watch the trailer and get tickets. This is a three night, a fathom event. Tell us what the movie’s about.

SABATO: The movie is about a family that has been confronted. The government is pretty much telling them and dictating what they can teach their children. This family is a Christian based family. They love their love Christ, and they love to raise their children with Christ involved in the education in their lives. And they’re being told they can’t. They can’t talk about biblical terms and talk about Jesus and things like that. So they they take it all the way to the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. to fight this for their freedom or for their faith. And it’s an inspiring story. I think it’s a movie that the entire family could watch should watch, and it’s the right time at the right place coming out on Monday. So I’ll go out there and get your tickets that God’s not dead. Gqom tickets are going out fast, so enjoy the film. It’s really a beautiful picture,

STARNES: and I’m a big fan of Francesca Batista. She’s a terrific musician and she’s got a new single that’s included in the film. A God is good,

SABATO: God is good, and then Francesca is an amazing artist. And you know, this role was not easy, especially because she’s starting in in the acting world and but she came out on top. She was amazing. She was such a blessing to have around. She played my wife in the film and her and her family are very much close to me and my family, and we had a great time. The film, you know, we shot the film in Oklahoma, in Washington, D.C., in Los Angeles. So we were confronted with with the weather and COVID restrictions and we had to shut down because of COVID at times. But we made it through and we put it together and it’s finally coming out and I hope the whole world sees it.

STARNES: What’s it like working on on a project like this? I mean, you’ve been in Hollywood for a number of years. You came to California back in 85, and now here you are working, you know, on a film that clearly has a message that is contrary to what’s coming out of Hollywood.

SABATO: Mm-Hmm. Well, anything to do for the Lord is great. I am just a follower of Christ, and I put him everywhere I go and everything that I do. And this was a blessing to be part of this film. It’s not just for Christians. This is about freedom. This is a beautiful picture. It’s a standalone movie. I’m one of those guys. I don’t like to put Christian faith based films in one category or the other. It’s entertainment at the end of the day, and that’s what it should be. But with a really great message. And and this is, you know, from what we know from the screenings that we’ve had with this film, the public is really, really loving this movie. So I’m glad about that. I can’t wait for for Monday to happen.

STARNES: Well, I’m very excited for you guys, and I think you’re right. It’s just it’s a good movie and it’s got a great message and it’s something the entire family can watch. Folks, we’ve got a link to it in our live show blog. God’s not dead dot com. If you’d like to get tickets, this is a three night nationwide Fathom Events. We got to pack these theaters out, Antonio. That’s what we got to do. We got we got to send a message we had to do. These are the kinds of movies we want to watch.

SABATO: Yeah, exactly. This this will tell us, you know, I have I had my own studio called Trailblazers Pictures, and we’re developing a lot of great films and devoted to the Lord and devoted to our country, to the patriotism and the honor and dignity and family and all that good stuff. So this will give us a really good hint about where America wants. It wants to be right now and in the near future. So I think it’s looking good and urge everyone to go see this film, take the entire family out there. All right,

STARNES: All right, Antonio, we’re going to have to leave it there. Thank you and congratulations on the great film, and I hope you have a great weekend.

SABATO: You too. Thank you. God bless.

STARNES: God bless you. Antonio Sabato Jr.. Ladies and gentlemen and Grace Baker, I don’t know if you read Antonio’s bio, but he was like the bee’s knees back in the day, you know, back in the bee’s knees. He was. He was voted one of People magazine’s sexiest. He was one of the sexiest man alive. Wow, that’s quite the honor. Back in the 1990s, it’s cool. Had a lot of ad campaigns. Calvin Klein Oh, that’s all I’m going to say here.


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