You can now add Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Marcus Peters to your list of no-account, unpatriotic pinheads who hate the red, white and blue.
Peters brought shame upon himself and his family Thursday night when he refused to stand for the national anthem. It happened during the NFL’s season opener between the Chiefs and the New England Patriots.
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Instead of honoring our nation and our military, Peters plopped down on a bench and sulked – like an overgrown, spoiled brat.
“I think it was disrespectful to our country. He should have stood up,” football fan Sandra Lowman told
Fan Steven King was so angered that he took off his Number 22 jersey and tossed it aside.
“I had so much respect for him before he did that. He’s a good player and all that, but now you can have that jersey. I don’t care what you do with it. I don’t want it!” he told our Fox television affiliate.
Last season, Peters thrust his fist into the air during a game — in defiance of Lord-knows-what.
“I was just stating how I’m black, and I love being black, (and) I’m supporting Colin (Kaepernick) in what he’s doing as far as raising awareness with the justice system,” Peters told the Kansas City Star at the time.
I’m a huge football fan, but I’ve decided to boycott the NFL this season.
I might reconsider, if the NFL can muster the courage to tell players that if they ride the bench during the national anthem, they’ll be riding the bench during the game.
Chiefs DB Marcus Peters sitting during the national anthem.
— Rob Tornoe (@RobTornoe) September 8, 2017
Marcus Peters with raised fist during Anthem. Locked arms by #Chiefs. No one sat or knelt. #USA
— Jeff Rosen (@jeff_rosen88) September 11, 2016

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